Awaiting Hystology results

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  • 85 subscribers


Just after a bit of advice really. As you will see from my previous thread o was diagnosed with leiomyosarcoma and have had a full hysterectomy 7 weeks ago. I'm feeling fine back to eating dti king etc normal. I am still awaiting my results. My consultant rang yesterday and said that they are having to get someone else in to look at my womb etc as they can't tell whether I've had leiomyosarcoma or endometriosis. She has explained the difference but I'm just worried that now I may need radiotherapy and chemotherapy as a cause to just a mild radiotherapy (if needed). A lot of women on here seem to be diagnosed with endometriosis and not leiomyosarcoma and was wondering what most people's further treatment was.

Thanks in advance


  • Hi Lisa

    I am sorry to hear you are still waiting for your post op results to be confirmed- its always an anxious time.

    Glad that you are recovering well from the surgery.

    Leiomyosarcoma is a rarer type of cancer that starts in the smooth muscle tissue. It is considered a soft tissue sarcoma.

    Endometrial cancer starts in the inner lining of the uterus. There are different types.

    Endometriosis is a condition where tissue similar to the womb lining grows in places it shouldn't be. It is not a cancer. 

    All 3 would need different treatment and that is why they are being really careful to get the accurate results. 

    Stages and grades are also important when they decide on what treatment to offer you. 

    I know it is worrying to be told you may need more treatment when you were not originally expecting it. I had a similar experience. I ended up having chemo and external radiotherapy but they seem to have done the trick as I am still here almost 2 years after the end of treatment and doing ok.

    I hope you do not have to wait too much longer and in the meantime we are here if you need anything. 



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Thank you for your reply, the type of endometrial cancer they are looking at begins with a c but I can't remember what it is exactly called. When she did the operation she took away a lot of tissue from around my womb and she was pretty confident that what I had in my womb although in her words was "very nasty" she  seemed to think it hadn't got out of my womb. They are going to ring me later next week with a provisional report x

  • Mine was carcinoma sarcoma. There is also a type called clear cell. Probably others that I have not come across. 

    Mine was thought to be contained but with some types they like to offer the additional treatments to mop up any stray cells. The main thing is they get the correct details so they can offer the best treatment and some types respond best to different treatments. Most higher grades are offered more treatment to try to prevent recurrence and that was the aim for me. 



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Yes that's what she said they were testing for carcinoma sarcoma. Can I ask what treatment you were given and.for how long? Just trying to get my head round having to have more treatment when I think I was just expecting to have a mild course of radiotherapy.  It's all just going round in my head the different synarios

  • If you click on my name you will be able to see my profile and it will give you a timeline of my journey. 

    Carcinoma sarcoma is very different to leiomyosarcoma. 

    Carcinoma sarcoma is a mixed type of tumour that originates in the womb lining. It is treated as endometrial cancer as tends to respond in the same way. It is a type 2 endometrial cancer and grade 3. It is not a sarcoma. 

    Mine was early stage 1b with LVSI. The further treatment is adjuvant which means its about preventing recurrence as with a grade 3 cancer it can be more likely. 

    Carcinoma sarcoma is rare but the trick is to get it treated while at an early stage. I am 30 months from diagnosis and doing ok. 


    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Thank you again xx I will take a.look at.your profile xx

  • Hi, rang and spoke to my nurse today as my consultant is on holiday this week. Still no test results back. She said I was brought up in the MDT meeting yesterday as my results had come back inconclusive. They have had to send them off again apparently. She told me it could be one of 3 cancers but didn't say which. Getting a little bit worried now as I am nearly 8 weeks post op x

  • It is best that they get the clear diagnosis before offering the correct further treatment. Some of the genetic factors are important as well. Different types respond differently to different treatments so they need to be sure. I know its hard waiting 


    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Yes very hard, I just want to know what I'm dealing with next. Trying so hard not to google anything. Worrying that it's either still there or it's something they didn't expect. I find the waiting so hard as I had a really long wait gor MRI results when I was first diagnosed 

  • I hope you get the results soon and they give a clear answer - the waiting in this process is both (mostly) unavoidable but so hard.