Hi there, I am 56 post menopausal. I am new here and need some answers to some of my worries. Thank you for helping

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Hi there, I am 56 post menopausal. I have had simple hyperplasia for years and years with abnormal bleeding pre menopause. Last year I had an unexpected bleed where I was sent back to gynae to check. They said the lining of the womb was 7.6 mms but scan/h.copy came back clear.

Two weeks ago, I had another heavy bleed which lasted 6 days.   Today, I was at the gynae clinic, had a scan as well.  I had a pain in my leg that was seriously troubling me at that time. (Just came home yesterday after a flight).  So the consultant had to stop everything as she was concerned I had developed DVT.  So arranged a trip to A&E for me.  But before I left, she said the thickening of my womb was now around 4.6.  I said that was good but she said it was best under 4.  Scan was clear but she wants to do a hysteroscopy which she said she will arrange for me.  Can I ask if the scan is clear, is there a possibility it can be different at h.copy stage?  Also I am always urinating and having pelvic pain.  Should I be worried or am I being silly?  Also having a scan tomorrow for dvt, Thank God for the lovely doctor who insisted I go to A&E.

  • Hi, my position is a bit different to yours but hopefully i have a bit of information that could help you decide.I've just been diagnosed with womb cancer after bleeding post menopausal.  I was sent to Gynae clinic and had a ultrasound. They then did a hyscoptomy as I had a suspected fybroid. I had a mass in my womb that obscured there view of the fybroid so couldn't remove it. They did however take a biopsy which came back with my high grade leiomyosarcoma. So I would suggest.you just have the hyscoptomy it's not to bad and it could help with your diagnosis. Good Luck with everything xx

  • Thank you for your reply,  Hopefully I won’t have to wait too long for the hysteroscopy and it will clear things up for me.    I am sorry to hear of your diagnosis, hope you are ok?  Thanks very much for taking time out to answer my question.

  • Your welcome, I will be fine looks like it's been caught early. I will need a full hysterectomy and possible radio or chemo therapy but I will be OK. 

    You are doing the right thing getting it checked. Good Luck I hope you don't have to wait to long x

  • Hi PWD 

    Welcome to the Womb group.

    I am sorry to hear that you have had some bleeding and that they were also concerned about DVT. 

    When the consultant did the scan they are looking for anything that does not seem normal, and lumps etc and also measuring the thickness of your womb lining. It sounds like they felt your scan was clear- nothing showed as concerning but because your lining is slightly thicker than they would like- they would like to have a closer look. Having some pelvic pain, frequent urination and bleeding are also signs that it is wise to take a closer look. 

    That is why they do the hysteroscopy- it gives a clearer picture. At the same time they can take a small biopsy of the lining and then can check to see if any cancer cells are present. It is only the biopsy that can diagnose cancer or rule it out.  Hyperplasia means a thickened lining and this can be caused by different things. 

    I hope that they hysteroscopy can be done quickly and it brings some reassurance.

    Hope that tomorrow's DVT scan goes well. Let us know how you get on.



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Hi Jane,

    thanks for your reply.  It’s worrying but for now the pain in my legs is distracting me

    Hopefully I will get the appointment for the tests pretty soo.n.  Will keep you posted.  

  • Thank you and all the best to you tooHeart️