Hello I'm new here...

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  • 85 subscribers

My name is Karen..

I got diagnosed with Endometrial Cancer on the 28th of May and finding everything all overwhelming at the moment.

  • Hi Karen

    Welcome to the Online Community and the Womb group. I am sorry to hear of your diagnosis of endometrial cancer at the end of May. 
    It is naturally an overwhelming time and I remember my emotions being all over the place. 

    Have you been given a treatment plan yet? I found that once I knew what was going to happen and when, it did feel a bit more in control.

    There are a lovely bunch of ladies on here who will understand how you are feeling and will want to offer support, so any worries/questions- don't be scared to ask. If you want to know a bit about anyone's journey then just click on their name and their profile will come up. You might want to have a think about adding to yours at some point. It is of course up to you- but it can save repeating yourself when you post. 

    There is also a Support Line that you can call if you feel talking things through would help. The details are below and they are lovely on there.

    I will pop a link to some information that you might find helpful. I would avoid googling for information. I did, and a lot of the information was scary, not necessarily accurate or out of date. 

    Womb cancer booklet | Macmillan Cancer Support

    If there is anything else you need, please do ask.



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Thank you for replying Jane.

    I have a bit of a scary time because they have found two small shadows on my left lung and have an appointment with the respiratory team on Monday to discuss my CT results Expressionless And also have a petct scan on Tuesday in Brighton.

    Also my macmillan nurse rang the other day and said to have a full hysterectomy would be risk to life because my bmi is 50..

    Mentioned provera or a marina coil.

    I've gone on salads and trying excise aswell.. I also have a mobility problem so can only do swimming.No cakes chocolate crisps, everything I like to eat is gone.


  • Hi Kazzie

    Yes, it's a scarry time, but it is important for them to pinpoint exactly where any cancer is so that they can work out the best way to treat it. Hence the scans. 

    It is good that you are seeing the respiratory team on Monday and don't have too long to wait. Good luck for the pet scan.

    There are several ladies on here who have a higher BMI so you are not alone. Once they have all your scans and results in front of them I would imagine the next step would be to call you in to discuss the different treatment options. Provera and the mirena coil are sometimes used in early stage cancer in younger ladies who have not yet had a family and sometimes for other reasons. Part of your results from your biopsy will tell them whether your cancer is a hormone dependant one (and it does sound that way - if your nurse has mentioned it) then hormonal treatments can help. 

    Well done for thinking about taking steps to lose some weight- it's not easy and especially with some mobility problems. When you go in to meet the consultant, I wonder whether it is worth asking about support for the weight loss (dietician) or even some medication to help.

    Would also be an idea to ask how much would you need to lose for the surgery to happen. It might give something to aim for perhaps. Some ladies seem to be given the hormonal treatment to give them time to get healthier for the op. 

    At the moment I would think you are still at the stage where they are working out provisional stage and grade of the cancer, looking at the possible treatments and which ones would be best for you. And part of that is looking at your overall health and anything that might affect you having surgery/anaesthetic.

    I hope all goes well with your appointments, and let us know how you get on. I found that once they had all the test results back, things moved quickly.



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm