Atypical Hyperplasia

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  • 86 subscribers

Hiya I had a biopsy and a polyp removed at the end of April which the gynaecologist said looked fine. I also had the coil fitted due to heavy periods. Received a phone call on Friday to say that they had found Atypical Hyperplasia and that I would need a hysterectomy. The gynaecologist also said that pathology were still looking at the cells. Im not quite sure why they are still looking and I’m a little worried. I have a consultation on Monday but it’s really worrying me. 

  • Hello Y12

    Welcome to the Online Community and the Womb group.

    I am sorry to hear that they found some atypical hyperplasia when you had your biopsy/polyp removal. 

    It must have come as a bit of a shock to be told that you would need a hysterectomy. It is good that you are seeing the consultant on Monday and I am sure you will be able to get a clearer picture.

    Hyperplasia simply means that the womb lining is thicker than they would like it to be and atypical hyperplasia means that in some ladies there can be a risk, in time of cancer developing. I would imagine that they are still looking at the results to be absolutely sure on which type of cells you have so that they can recommend the best treatment. 

    I will pop a link here with some information that may help.

    Atypical endometrial hyperplasia - Overview | Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust (

    I had a hysterectomy myself and it was straightforward, I had little pain and recovered quickly. 

    If talking things through would help, then please give the Support Line a call and one of the nurses will be able to tell you more about hyperplasia. 

    In the meantime, if there is anything you need, then please do ask.



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    • Hiya how long after aytipical hyperplasia diagnosis would the hysterectomy be? 
  • It would depend on your hospital and also what the pathology (that they are still looking at) confirms. They should be able to give you an idea when you go for your appointment on Monday. I would think it would likely be offered fairly quickly.


    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Hiya I had my consultation today and luckily at present it’s still aytipical hyperplasia and op within a month 

  • That's good news and not long to wait for the op.


    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • I had a diagnosis of thickening and atypical hyperplasia in a polyp after hysteroscopy. I waited 4 months for surgery as I had two overseas family trips scheduled that I did not want to cancel. My hysterectomy inc. cervix, tubes, and ovaries was laparoscopic and uneventful. Some bad cramping-type pain immediately after surgery, some pain pills and a heating pad worked wonders. I stayed overnight and was discharged in the morning.   My post-op diagnosis was hyperplasia.  I hope it all goes well for you. 

  • Thank you not looking forward to it really but got to be done x

  • Could anybody please tell what happens at the pre op? 

  • I had a pre op when they were going to do my hyscoptomy under general. They just did all my stats, height weight etc and took some blood. Oh amd asked a lot of questions. Nothing to worry about x