Hysterectomy follow up

  • 3 replies
  • 76 subscribers

After my robotic hysterectomy in 23rd may I’ve been quietly recuperating at home trying not to think too much about my follow up appointment which was today … I would like to thank you ladies out there for your support especially Jane for advice and good reasoning … I have been extremely lucky my womb was very bad with endometriosis and polyps and fibroids but although only polyps was said to be suspected I have not been diagnosed with cancer … feel very grateful to my surgeon as my overies were kissing and had endometriosis outside the womb too which has been dealt with … can I wish all you ladies all the very best for your future journeys and thank you all for giving advise and support … god bless you all x

  • Hi Larfer

    I am so pleased that your appointment went well and that no cancer was present. Am glad that the surgeon has been able to deal with the endometriosis, polyps and fibroids.

    I wish you well with your recovery, which I am sure will go well, now the results have come through. Take it easy, step by step and just do a little more each day, whatever you feel up to.



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • That is wonderful news to hear - delighted for you. Wishing you all the best for the future. 


  • Thank you Jane and wishing you well for the future Heart