Time scale from diagnosis to operation.

  • 11 replies
  • 77 subscribers


I joined a few weeks ago, have been reading the forum and peoples stories. First posting for me but have found information on here and the support everyone gives a great comfort as it’s very daunting when you hear the word cancer. 

I was on 2 week referral after post menopausal bleeding and had my appointment for hysteroscopy and biopsy 16 April. It was found I had a womb lining of 19mm and polyps. I didn’t think I sounded good which was confirmed with a confirmation of womb cancer on my follow up appointment 30 April and was told I would need total Hysterectomy. Blood tests were done after a cup of tea and chat with specialist nurse the same day. I had Chest Xray done 10 May and should have had MRI on the 11 May.

Unfortunately this was cancelled but they rang on the Monday and I had it on 15 May so results would be available for MDT which was last Monday, 20 May. I received a securely emailed letter confirming my appointment to be seen by specialist and assessed for surgery. That appointment is 17 June which just seems a bit of a gap as everything else has happened pretty quickly. 

Just wondering what other people’s timeline was for treatment from initial appointment when biopsy was taken to operation. 

Sorry for the long post xx 

  • Hi. I don’t know yet, I assume it will be laparoscopic? Fingers crossedWill find out more when I have my face to face meeting on 17 June. 

    I am hoping the hysterectomy will be done by or before the end of June. Fingers crossed I can recover as well as a lot of the ladies on this forum. They have been an inspiration. It has really helped reading everyone’s journey and experiences. I know we all walk this path alone but the shared experiences really do help xx