Newly diagnosed with Endometrial Cancer

  • 23 replies
  • 90 subscribers

Hello , I must admit to being a bit shell shocked after being told I had Endometrial Cancer last Friday. At Present I have only told two members of my family .and Im finding it hard to actually say or admit I have Cancer it came as a complete shock to me. So Im pleased I have found this group and hope it will help me come to terms with it all. This is my first Post and would appreciate any comments Many thanks.

  • Hi Monarda, welcome to the group and to the emotional roller coaster ride that all of us here know well, either from past or present experience. I was diagnosed in November 2021 and had a hysterectomy in January 2022. I hardly told anyone I had cancer, only those whose reactions I felt I could trust, as I was aware that some people’s reactions can do more harm than good. When I was diagnosed I only told my husband - I didn’t tell my adult children until I’d had my staging MRI (and X ray) as I wanted their lives to go on as normally as possible until I had more information. Feel free to ask any questions, and to lean on us here for support. Have you been given the contact details for your CNS (cancer nurse specialist)? Mine was such a great help. 

  • Hi Marmite, Thank you for your reply that's very helpful re telling family and friends and you have made me realise I don't have to tell everyone at this moment so that gives me time to come to terms with it myself first. I feel like I have a head full of Fog at the minute which I guess is pretty normal at this early stage. Im going to meet the Surgeon  this coming Tuesday so I will find out more .Once again many thanks for your reply.

  • Hi again Monarda, I can definitely related to the foggy feeling, also sometimes a feeling of being overwhelmed with too much going on in my head and needing to let it settle. It’s normal to feel high levels of anxiety, and, even thought it’s not how we want to feel, it’s okay to feel anxious - it doesn’t mean you’re not coping - and moving forward means learning how to manage and cope with the natural anxiety. Those of us here who’ve already been through it can help you with that. Did you have a hysteroscopy? How were you told you have cancer? For me it was just after lockdown, so I was told over the phone.

  • Hi Marmite, Yes i have had the Hysteroscopy also MRI and chest X ray. I was told by the consultant at the hospital when I went to get the results of all the tests. I then had a meeting with an Oncology nurse who was very helpful to explain what would happen next. Also informed me off the hospital and surgeon that would do the hysterectomy and I will meet her this coming Tuesday.

  • Have you been given any indication of predicted grade and stage? 

  • Yes I've been told I'm  a 1b that's all the information I have at the moment

  • Hi, I'm new to this forum to and just had a total hysterectomy last week for a grade 3 womb cancer.

    Results of staging and oncologist in about 4 weeks.

    Thought I was doing well and looking forward to a good summer after having surgery and radiotherapy less than 18 months ago, for breast cancer, so feeling a wee bit fed up.

    They are not connected, just bad luck!

    Telling your family and friends is definitely one of the worst things. 

    You have enough to deal with, just do what you are happy with. Tell the people you are ok to chat with about your condition, otherwise you end up talking about cancer all the time, is what I've found.

    Wishing you well.

  • Hi I am sorry and I truly know how you feel, for the first couple of days there was no let up as panicking so much and I thought I have lost my old life now as now it’s tarnished with the C word and it’s all ruined !! I looked at everyone in my family my husband adult sons who love me but I felt isolated and on the outskirts of life. I remember nipping into costa on the way to the MRI scan with hubby on the Saturday ( told on Thursday ) I was standing waiting to be served and looked around at everyone talking and smiling and I felt I was watching a movie it was terrifying ! I said to my sister it’s like when you have something you are worried about you can usually try to watch a film or do something where you can  forget for a while but this was etched on my brain and mind. It was only when I got a call on the Monday after MRI and they told me results that I felt some relief when the nurse rang me on the Monday night to say it was grade 3 ( which I knew ) but it was stage 1a I was laughing and crying at the same time and so happy, I rang my dad and family and close friends so excited and remember later saying how can u be so excited about cancer !! Anyway I’m 11 weeks down the line had the robotic op and 3 bracytherapy and completed 2 one to go tomorrow !!

    it will get easier I promise as I even ended up at AE with a panic attack whilst awaiting the MRI, just take it at your pace and you are still YOU, wishing you well xxx

  • Hello  

    Sorry to hear your news but can relate to everything you say. It is such a shock to be told you have cancer and we react to it in our own way. It is very early days for you and there is no right or wrong way to do things - it's YOUR way. Our experiences are similar but we have our own unique journey. So glad you have reached out to this forum. It truly was amazing for me last September when I was diagnosed with womb cancer. 

    Click on my name and read my bio (if you want). Ask any questions and we will help or point you in the right direction for further advice.

    I'm still learning new things all these months later and I still ask.

    Best wishes


  • Hi Km71 , Many thanks for your reply, My goodness you have had a tuff time I wish you a very speedy recovery.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  I have a meeting with the surgeon tomorrow so hopefully find out the when and where's. I'm not sure of the waiting list re the operation but fingers crossed its not to long.

    I have decided not to tell too many people just close friends and family and as you rightly said I don't want to end up talking about it all the time .

    Wishing you all the very best.