Abdominal pain and gas pain

  • 9 replies
  • 71 subscribers


Please could anyone offer any advice or let me know if this is normal

I had a total hysterectomy/bso/removal of sentinel nodes 6weeks ago.

Today I have suffered with awful lower abdominal pain. It comes in a big wave of pain followed most usually in passing wind. 

When I read about other experiences or look this up online it seems that most women don't suffer with this at this stage..

I'm getting anxious that this is not normal and that there's something wrong..

I'm so fed up and getting quite teary with it all...

Please if anyone could let me know if this is a normal side effect to surgery. 

Many thanks x

  • I appreciate that once we’ve had cancer, we then tend to worry about any little thing in case it’s a recurrence or other cancer. Sounds a bit like IBS but the best thing to do is call your CNS tomorrow and ask their advice. You could also call the Macmillan helpline and ask to speak to a nurse, 

  • Hi MLees

    Best thing to do is to call your CNS/hospital and get them to review you. They will hopefully be able to give you some reassurance but if you need to go in and get checked then they can arrange that. 



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Hi it sounds like you have wind which can be for a number of reasons and simply gas I am 8 weeks post op and I have some gas sometimes and tummy pain before I go to the loo sometimes too and they said it’s all normal whilst internally it settles down, I filled in some forms asking me about that and other symptoms of going for a wee etc, you can ask your nurse or GP, I actually went to my GP about three weeks ago to say I had left side lower pain and gas and goes with toilet he said it was all normal

    on my discharge papers it says we all get the usual aches and pains that is normal and not to over worry but get checked out to our mind at rest x

  • Thank you.  I've left a message with my cns to call me. Hopefully I'll get some support from her on Monday. Thank you for your reply x

  • Thank you for your reply Shirley.  It's so annoying because I feel quite well other than this pain. It's stopping me from getting better physically etc. Ive left a message for my cns to call me so hopefully I'll hear from her on Monday.  

  • Peppermint oil helped me with the pain of wind after my surgery.  Hope this helps

  • Thank you tinkers. I've tried Peppermint tea, but it hasn't really worked.  How have you used the oil please? Xx

  • I got peppermint capsules before I came out of hospital because I was in alot of pain.  It took them a few days but they started to work xx

  • Thank you Tinkers1

    I'll definitely give those a try and hope it settles soon.x