Worried Old Person

  • 12 replies
  • 74 subscribers

Hello last year at the age of 69 I had a couple of days of bleeding - cut a long story short had a Hysteroscopy which found a very large uterine polyp - waited three months for biopsy results atypical hyperplasia and consultant told me they want to do total hysterectomy including ovaries. I am scared as I am old and surely the risks are greater - should I just take my chances that it won’t turn to Cancer ? 

  • Good morning Jenifafa

    Your worries are understandable because it is all unknown territory and new to you. I was nervous too last year but in my case I knew categorically I had cancer so I knew what I needed to do. I was 60 and I recovered well.

    You are not old - you are older. That doesn't mean surgery is a no no. Before any surgery you would have the necessary pre-op checks done which we all have (regardless of age). There are people younger and older than you who have had this surgery. You are not alone. 

    I suggest writing down any questions you have. You can post them on here and we can do our best to help - although we're not medically trained. There is also the Macmillan helpline to call if you'd like to talk it through. You can also speak to your Macmillan nurse if you have one yet. 

    Wishing you all the very best.

  • Thank you for your message I am glad you recovered well, they are a little concerned I may have some form of heart disease which would cause problems with a GA but I will find out in a couple of weeks. Everyone on here seems lovely and very kind