Worried Old Person

  • 12 replies
  • 76 subscribers

Hello last year at the age of 69 I had a couple of days of bleeding - cut a long story short had a Hysteroscopy which found a very large uterine polyp - waited three months for biopsy results atypical hyperplasia and consultant told me they want to do total hysterectomy including ovaries. I am scared as I am old and surely the risks are greater - should I just take my chances that it won’t turn to Cancer ? 

  • Dear WOP, sounds just like me. I am a much younger 65 though!! My consultant recommended a radical hysterectomy ( only vagina left) which I reckoned a good idea. Can't get ovarian cancer etc with no ovaries. I had robotic surgery in October and was home to recover 36 hours later. You will get good advice on this forum on how to prepare and what to avoid afterwards eg lifting  heavy things, hoovering etc. In December I had brachytherapy which was fine. I consider myself lucky as I am well past menopause and our bodies often give us few signs of internal problems.  My recovery was quick and 7 months on I feel good, and relieved. Only impact seems to be having to pee a lot more but have been assure that will settle.....and the five small scars the robot bequeathed me. 

    I wish you good luck and good scrolling. I found this chat room invaluable,  especially when I felt most frightened. 

  • I had a similar diagnosis last year, I’m just 60 so younger than you but I’m very fat and I was really worried about having a hysterectomy, my consultant was pretty confident the hyperplasia was contained in that one polyp but couldn’t be 100% certain…40% of complex atypia hyperplasia cases can show cancer when they do the biopsies after hysterectomy, I wasn’t prepared to take the risk that cancer could be hiding there somewhere, so I went for the full hysterectomy…I went down first because I’m also T2 diabetic and was back in the ward by lunchtime and went home the next morning.  I had a huge haematoma which took a while to disperse but apart from that I was absolutely fine.

    My histology was back within 2 weeks and everything was clear, no cancer and no hyperplasia..my consultant was proved right.

    No operation is without risk but I’m glad I had it done.

  • Hi Jennifafa, welcome to the group - you’re only 4 years older than me, you’re not old! You’re also about average age for this sort of op. Lots of post menopausal ladies have hysterectomies and nowadays it’s a much more straightforward op than years ago.

  • Hi jennifafa, please don’t worry.  I had  total hysterectomy last year followed by 25 radiotherapy sessions.  Although I did have cancer so really had no choice, I too was very worried because of my age (74), but they are so caring and look after your every need.  Please ask if you have any questions.

  • Thank you for your kind reply. I am glad you had a good outcome 

  • Thank you for you reply. I know deep down that I need to have the op just got to have a heart CT angiogram in a couple of weeks to make sure all ok in that area. 

  • Thank you it is all very daunting at the moment but hopefully it will turn out ok 

  • jennifa, I had exactly the same diagnosis last year and the same surgery proposed including the cervix. I am 66.  I had laparoscopic surgery. 4 tiny incisions. Spent the night in the hospital and home the next morning. The pain was minimal and I only took pain pills for 2-3 days. I was out for coffee with friends 4 days later. Fortunately, my post-surgery diagnosis was hyperplasia and within a few weeks it was hard to tell I had anything done. 

  • Hi, thank you SO much for your message I find it very reassuring and I have been so incredibly worried. Got to have the angiogram on 5/4 then back to Gynae pre op to see Consultant for results then will get a date for op if no heart problems were found. I will let you know if that’s ok