53 y/o and Newly Diagnosed at Stage 4

  • 5 replies
  • 76 subscribers

Hi all - My name is Jill and I’m from the U.S looking for as much support/info/personal experience as I can. This is my first post. I was just told I have stage 4 uterine CA (serous) with mets to the omentum and peritoneum. The biopsy of a retro abdominal mass came back came back as “poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma of muellerian origin”. Doc says surgery is not an option because the mets in my belly are so diffuse she wouldn’t be able to get all of it. Instead, my GYN-Onc recommendation is 6 cycles of carbo-taxol with immunotherapy. Pathology info was just sent off to to CARIS. Doc said she’s hopeful that chemo etc could buy me a few years. 2nd opinion at Emory in Atlanta is pending but I’m unfortunately not expecting a different prognosis.

When it comes to healthcare, my husband and I prefer holistic/naturopathic interventions rather than mainstream medical approach’s whenever feasible but right now I’m terrified about the idea of declining her recommendations. Naturopathic medicine is not particularly popular in the U.S. which makes finding practitioners a bit challenging but I think I’ve found someone to try. But a large part of me feels like at stage 4 I don’t have time to “try” alternative therapies and maybe I just need to dive into the chemo-immunotherapy regimen…Does anyone have experience with non-chemo approaches to stage 4? This is all new to me and incredibly overwhelming (diagnosis was literally just confirmed yesterday). I would love to hear about any and all experiences from anyone with a similar diagnosis. I literally know nothing about cancer to the point where I don’t even know what questions to ask.I will very much appreciate anyone’s opinion and experience as I don’t know anyone going through this and I could really use the support - even if it’s just virtual hugs from afar…


Georgia, USA


  • Hi  

    I'm very sorry to read of your diagnosis and can totally understand that your mind is in a whirl. Welcome to the Macmillan online community.

    I was in your position in 2022 but with a different type of endometrial cancer. If you would like to read my profile please click on my username. 

    This information may be useful for you


    I can see that you have joined the womb group, you will find a lot of support here. This group may also be useful to you

     Living with cancer outside the UK forum 

    If you have read my profile I had a good result from chemo even though I have advanced cancer. My cancer has been stable since September 2022. I hope the information helps and I wish you well with whatever treatment route you decide on. Best regards.

    A x

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  • Hi Jill, 

    So sorry to hear what you are having to cope with and not surprised that you are feeling overwhelmed.  I'm afraid I have no experience of anything other than surgical removal s I was only stage 1b and grade 3, but I wanted to send you support.

  • Hello Jill, 

    Sorry to hear your news. You must be feeling shocked but you have done the right thing reaching out for support and information.

    I don't have any knowledge of naturopathy medicine or chemotherapy (I had pelvic radiotherapy). But there will be other ladies who have had chemotherapy who may share their experiences. 

    I just wanted to send you a big hug.


  • Thank you so much - that brochure had a lot of great beginner info to get me started. I look forward to interacting with everyone as I start my journey.


  • I just read your profile and I was incredibly moved by your story. You sound so strong…sending peace and healing your way. Thank you for taking time to send your support - it means the world to mePurple heart