uterus lining

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  • 86 subscribers

Hi i came on here last year as my lining of my uterus was 4.4 i had a G.A hysteroscopie  and cells were taking and i got all clear nothing found and said my uterus was thin ?(typical the only thing on my body that is thin and its on the inside !

Anyway fast forward to Nov this year  i had 2 small  bleeds  after i had been for a pee.

Doctor sent me for ulta scan and i had to go back today to get another hysteroscopie done (but again its being done under G.A as i have prolapsed bladder and scar tisue so its too painfull to have done awake)

Anyway within a year its gone from 4.4 to 6.9 i was shocked but the doctor told me not to be, now if nothing is going on why has it increased ?no polyp or fybrod was found last year,yes im overweight and im defo going to loose weight now but i am so worried i mean how many times does it have to increase before they are as concerned as me  and im just worried  it cancerous cells now as its bigger any advice would really calm me down right now xThanks. x

  • Hello I love cake

    I am sorry that you had to have a repeat hysteroscopy after having 2 small bleeds. Well done though for getting checked out. 

    I can understand your concern that your endometrial thickness has gone from 4.4 to 6.9 but I would be reassured by the doctor. If there had been cancer then the biopsy/hysteroscopy would have found it. 

    Endometrial hyperplasia (when the womb lining becomes thicker) can happen for a variety of reasons and although it can put some women at a greater risk of going on to develop endometrial cancer, the hyperplasia itself is not cancer. Your womb lining thickness has increased slightly in a year but the hysteroscopy has ruled out cancer as the reason. If at any point you do have any bleeding again or any other symptoms that cause you concern, then please do go back and get rechecked.

    The womb lining can increase when there is a change/imbalance in progesterone and oestrogen which can be due to different factors and partly explains why endometrial cancer is more common in women who have gone through the menopause rather than younger women (although it can happen at younger ages) From what I understand when the hormones are out of sync then it is possible for the womb lining to build up. 

    If you give the Support Line a call and speak with one of the nurses I am sure that they would be able answer any medical questions you may have and give you some more reassurance. 

    Hope this helps a bit and good luck with losing the weight- never easy. 



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Hello jane2511 ,thank you so much for taking the time to reply and explain.

    i think when i was writting in a blind panic this morning i should have said that i am going in for a hysteroscopie,im waiting for an appointment as today they did not do it as its too painfull for me.

    im just wondering if they could just take the whole thing out so i dont have to worry every year if its going up ,but i dont think they will but im 57 nearly i dont need it anymore is my therory ;0)

    But yes good idea i may once i work out how to do things on here message  the support line thank you x

  • My lining was thicker than it should be back in 2019 when I had some postmenopausal bleeding…Hysteroscopy found polyps, these were removed and everything was normal,

    I had some some PMB in January, lining was slightly thicker at around 7.8 this time…more polyps found, this time one polyp had precancerous cells and it was recommended I had a hysterectomy, had this in September, histology all came back normal after hysterectomy, no cancer (cancer often found in histology when atypical hyperplasia (pre cancerous cells) ) and not even any hyperplasia found so appears it was just in one polyp.

    Regardless of what the result of hysteroscopy was I was going to ask for a hysterectomy as I didn’t want to keep going through the same thing time and time again as it’s sp much stress and worry but whether they would have agreed I’ll never know as matters were not in my hands.

    I hope you don’t have too long to wait before your hysteroscopy and that the results are all normal x

  • I can understand the panicky feeling. Having symptoms and tests is always a worry. Having a hysterectomy is something worth talking to your doctor about and weighing up the pros and cons. I had cancer so my hysterectomy back in 2022 was to remove it so didn't have to make a choice but I did find it fairly straightforward and recovered well from the actual surgery. I would talk things through with your doctor and look at any potential risks of surgery vs possible risk of cancer developing from the hyperplasia. There may be non surgical options that could be explored. 

    Good Luck


    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • thank you for your reply,im going to ask also but i think they may tell me to wait and see what results are first but it is defo stressful,still its helping me diet as iv lost my appietite ! fingers crossed i will hear soon and thank you for taking time to reply x