Overwhelmed and overweight

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  • 84 subscribers

It’ll be two week on Monday since I got my diagnosis of endometrial cancer I am overweight BMI 51 with PCOS so I have started a strict diet with exercise regimen (walking 45 minutes per day) to get myself to a better weight for a hysterectomy. The thing is on the day of my appointment they gave me allot of information that I can’t remember now I did have the foresight to record the consultation as my instincts screamed at me to record it however I cannot bring myself to listen to it. I have had a MRI last Saturday and a CT last night (Friday) and I have my Hysteroscopy and endometrial biopsy and Polypectomy and they are going to give me a Mirena IUS on the 16th however after that I am at a loss I don’t know what the next steps are which I feel is causing some anxiety to creep in. If I am not occupied with something I am crying. 

  • Hi Jammiedodger1

    Welcome to the Online Community and the Womb group.

    I am sorry to hear that you have had a diagnosis of endometrial cancer. If you click on my name my profile will come up, but I was diagnosed in 2022, had surgery and that was followed by some chemo and radiotherapy. 

    It is very normal to feel weepy and overwhelmed at times like this. I used to take a list of questions to appointments and sometimes they give you so much information so quickly, it is easy to get confused. When you had the consultation, did you have a cancer nurse specialist with you? If you look on any letters there is probably an email address or a phone number that you can call and ask questions and get clarification on anything you are not sure on.

    With your BMI, it may be that they are hoping to use the Mirena to prevent the cancer developing further to give you time to be healthier for surgery. It is difficult to know without having all the information. The scans should give a clearer picture of what is happening. Well done for starting the diet and walking. It's not easy having PCOS and I know that it can make it harder to lose weight. I found walking helped me emotionally and physically during my recovery. 

    I will pop a link below with a bit more information that you may find helpful. It will explain some of the possibilities of what may happen next. It is natural to feel anxious. Once I had my full diagnosis and all the tests and scans were done, I was given a treatment plan. Once I had this, things did feel a bit more in control.

    Womb cancer booklet | Macmillan Cancer Support

    If talking things through would help, then please consider giving the Support Line a call. The details are at the end of this. 

    I hope this helps a bit but if there is anything else you need or want to ask, then please do so.

    Good Luck



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Hi Jammiedodger1

    I had the Mirena coil put in a few months ago so if you have any specific questions about that I can try and answer.

    My gynae consultant was the one who has done my hysteroscopies, biopsies and my Mirena insertion. They gave me a briefing on the day both before and after the procedures. This was extremely helpful to learn what was happening when, to understand what was seen and for me to ask questions.

    I hope this virtual community can help demysterfy things. The private message function here is also really helpful if there are questions you don't feel comfortable in asking publically too.