Just diagnosed

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  • 86 subscribers

Hi, I was told yesterday I have grade 2 womb cancer, I was not expecting this news as I only had a bit of post menopausal bleeding and after a hysteroscopy they found 2 polyps and the small one was taken on the day and then I went back for the larger one. The small one came back benign and when the consultant removed the larger one he said it was fine, so shocked to be called back yesterday as the biopsy showed the larger one was grade 2 cancer. I was gutted as consultant said it was fine and I thought that was it. Now he said I would have a total hysterectomy including ovary and fallopian tubes etc. I have a scan within the next week and I will then be passed to oncology. What is the normal treatment for grade 2 cancer after hysterectomy as I didn't take it all in?.  I had breast cancer in 2018 and had lumpectomy, gruelling 6 months of chemo and then radiotherapy. I was discharged after 5 years in June this year for breast cancer and really don't think I can go through all this treatment again for a different cancer. 

  • Hello Poppy58

    Welcome to the Online Community and the womb group. I hope that you will find it as informative and supportive as I have done. 

    I am sorry to hear that you have had a diagnosis of womb cancer and I can remember what a worrying time it was when I had my diagnosis back in March 2022. My advice is to just try to go with the flow and accept that it is a time where it can feel like the rug has been pulled from under your feet. What helped me most was up to date information about what would likely happen and support from family and friends. Talking things through did help but I also found sharing with people on here really helpful as they had the actual experience. 

    What normally seems to happen after the diagnosis- and it certainly was the case for me- was that there were a few days waiting around until I had the scan. Although they can diagnose the cancer from the biopsy- they need to check to find out if there is any spread elsewhere. I was told that they are trying to work out a provisional stage and grade and that from this they work out what treatment is needed. My consultant said it also helps with the planning of the surgery. My surgery took place 4 weeks after my first symptom of bleeding. 

    Most people have a hysterectomy and that would usually include fallopian tubes, ovaries and cervix. Mine was done key hole and I had very little pain, the surgery itself was straightforward and I recovered well from it. 

    After the surgery you will have some more detailed pathology results (mine came through at about 3 1/2 weeks post op) and these results are what normally determine if you need any further treatment and if so, what type of treatment. Sometimes the stage and grade can change after surgery so it is something to bear in mind. 

    Before surgery I was told stage 1-2 but wasn't told a grade. Post surgery it was confirmed as stage 1b Grade 3. For this I had chemo and then external beam radiotherapy. But there are a lot of factors they will take into account and there does seem to be some difference between different hospitals. 

    I am sorry to hear that you have already gone through treatment for breast cancer and can understand how difficult this must be for you. If talking it through with someone would help, then please do give the Support Line a call. The number is at the bottom. I remember feeling a bit in limbo at your stage. I had the diagnosis but was aware I needed the scans and didn't yet know what would happen next. Once I saw the consultant (on a Friday) I felt a lot better because there was a plan. I actually had my pre op the same day and then my surgery took place on the Monday. So once your scan is done, things can then move forward.

    I will pop a link below to some information that you might find helpful.

    Womb cancer booklet | Macmillan Cancer Support

    I hope that you do not have to wait too long for your scan, in the meantime please do ask if you have any questions. There are a lovely bunch of ladies on here that will understand how you are feeling and will want to offer support.



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Thank you so much Jane, I kept it together at my appointment when they told me it was cancer having been through it before but today I have gone to pieces especially as I been enjoying myself so much after the last few months since I had finished with the breast cancer and 5 years of check ups etc. I felt why me, why again. I am sure I will get it together in a day or so and I should get a scan this week to determine the stage. Its not knowing the plan and being so close to Christmas but will definitely read the booklet. Relaxed

  • I totally get it. I am currently on check ups and the thought of it coming back or being diagnosed with another type of cancer- I would be the same. Why me? is certainly a natural reaction. 

    Hopefully you will have your scan in the next few days- once it's done they will call you in. If you don't hear anything, then give them a call and ask when you can expect it. 

    Good Luck


    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Thank you. Good luck with your check ups and I hope that you remain free of cancer for a long time

  • Hi Poppy58, so sorry to hear about your diagnosis, I had mine in September and my total hysterectomy on October 16, my pathology results were given to me 3 weeks post surgery and it was confirmed as grade 3, stage 1b, so they want me to have 25 sessions of external radiotherapy and 2 brachytherapy sessions. I meet the oncologist on Wednesday, so can ask more then. I guess I am.trying to reassure you that it all has happened pretty quickly.

  • Thank you B74, I am getting a scan sometime this week then when Gynae have the scan results I will be referred to a different hospital for the oncology side and the operation as the hospital where I had my hysteroscopy only deal with non cancer hysterectomy. I hope it does happen quite quickly as finding it a bit stressful as have to work in the meantime as will not be paid when I go off sick for my operation. I hope your radiotherapy goes well and whilst your grade of cancer is higher than mine you have a low stage which i understand is good. I will be happier when I know my stage after the scan as I am a grade 2. I am hoping there will be no chemotherapy as it was gruelling when I had my breast cancer treatment but to reassure you I had radiotherapy after the chemo and found that to be ok except at the end of radiotherapy my skin was sore but they gave me a special cream and it soon got better.

    Good luck Relaxed