So scared awaiting diagnosis

  • 2 replies
  • 86 subscribers

Hi all. 
I feel bad even posting here. But I have nowhere else to turn. I’m 52 went through the menopause at 38 when my periods just stopped  until a few months ago when I started spotting which gradually turned into bleeding  since then I have lost weight, been crippled with a lower back pain, have a pain low down which just gnaws away at me constantly  it also affects my bladder  I wee all the time and even if my bladder is empty my bladder hurts like it’s got a ten pound baby on it ,it also hurts like mad when I have sex

I have constant indigestion my appetite has pretty much gone and I’m severely constipated  I also sometimes have blood in my stools  

I went to the dr yesterday and her face said it all  I have been given an urgent referral for a biopsy and have to have a load Of bloods this morning. I’m so scared I’ve just this week lost my mom tcancer, my hubby had it this time last year and now this  I don’t think I can cope

  • Hello Janene123

    Welcome to the Online Community.

    Please do not feel in anyway bad for posting here. You are having some symptoms and are worrying it could mean cancer- you are in the right place.

    Well done for going to the doctor yesterday. It is always scary when you have symptoms that are worrying you but you have done the right thing. No one can tell you yet what is causing the symptoms but the doctor is doing the right thing in referring you for the biopsy and blood tests. When anyone goes to the doctor with symptoms that could, in some people lead to a diagnosis of cancer- they need to do these tests quickly to find out. They are normally trying to rule out the more serious potential causes before looking for other reasons.

    You have got a lot of different symptoms that may or may not be related to each other and may or may not lead to a diagnosis but until you know for sure, it is about getting these tests completed so the doctor can work out what is going on. Once the doctor knows what is causing these issues then they can look at hopefully you getting started on some treatment (whether for cancer or for something else)

    It is very natural to feel like you can't cope and I do feel that having people close to you who have had cancer makes things all the more real and scary. But it is definitely better to have the urgent referral and get these things out of the way rather than waiting around and worrying.

    I had my endometrial biopsy back in March 2022 and got the results back soon after. Although it is scary to think you need one, mine was done quickly and I was well supported by the nurses. They will be able to talk you through what will happen before you have your appointment so do not be afraid to ask any questions.

    We do have a Support Line on here where you can speak with one of the nurses- if you feel like talking it all through with someone would help and you can also ask any medical questions. The number is below and they are lovely on there. 

    I remember my first symptoms and then diagnosis and for me the worrying about what was going on was in fact looking back worse than the diagnosis. Once I knew what I was dealing with and knew what was going to happen, I did feel a bit more calm and in control.

    Deep breath..........get those bloods and any tests done and only then will you know what is happening. If it does turn out to be the worst- then we are here to support you and remember it may not be, there may be something completely different going on.

    The next couple of weeks are going to be tough at times so try to go with the flow and hopefully within 2-3 weeks you should have a much better idea of what is going on.

    Take Care



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • I don't have anything to add really as Jane2511 has said it so articulately. It sounds like things have been really tough lately and maybe your attention has been away from caring for yourself with your mum etc. It's definitely the right move to get to the Dr and start on this journey of finding out what you need. I hope you are not kept waiting too long. 

    Sending strength x