Totally unexpected diagnosis

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  • 86 subscribers

So on Wednesday 25th I received the news that I have cancer. Didn't really see it coming, until the consultant said I should have my partner in the room with me. This all came about from wanting HRT and my GP sending me to get something checked out. From the letter I've just received it states grade 1 so that's a positive. My course ahead is complicated by my BMI so no quick hysterectomy for me. I have my MRI today (28th) and then I should have my case discussed by 7th. 

I've managed to tell my sister, but can't bring myself to tell my dad, who is grieving the loss of my mum (18 months ago). My best friend is being amazing and my work have already been supportive.

My head is all over the place and emotions are a complete rollercoaster. Guess this is to be expected. 

  • I have a high BMI and it made no difference to how long I had to wait for my hysterectomy..the only thing that stopped it happening on the original date in June was my high blood sugar, it was suggested then that I wait 3 months to get my blood sugar level down, if I lost weight in that time then that would obviously help me but if I didn’t it wouldn’t stop the op going ahead…I did lose about a stone and a half but still had a BMI of just over 40.

    My diagnosis was complex atypical hyperplasia (precancerous cells) but thankfully my histology showed no hyperplasia and no cancer (40% of hyperplasia turns out to be cancer on biopsy after hysterectomy) and I’m now almost 6 weeks post hysterectomy and nearly back to normal).

    I hope you don’t have to wait too long before your treatment starts x

  • Hi

    Sorry to hear about your diagnosis .

    I also have high BMI(41)

    I had my hysterectomy on 3/10. In my letter my BMI was mentioned but they said it wouldnt stop surgery.

    I had grade 1 also. I am now all clear after surgery.

    I didnt have other barriers to surgery.

    Find out what day yout MDT meets and ask questions.

    I was lucky to have cancellation, as my surgery date was to be  31/10.

    Good luck with everything and be kind to yourself

  • Hi Rara1977, welcome to the group and to this emotional rollercoaster ride. It’s okay and totally understandable to feel all over the place and overwhelmed. You will find a way through and can get support and learn coping mechanisms to help settle yourself. Something that helped me was trying to focus on what was known each day and not running ahead. And focussing on “what is” not “what if”. Well done for telling your sister - how did she take it? I’m glad your best friend is supportive and that work are being good too. I told my husband and a couple of close friends right away, but made the decision not to tell my adult children till after I’d had the results of my staging MRI as I knew that the word cancer was so loaded that they’d immediately want to know how serious it was. So for me I wanted to know the predicted stage as well as the grade before I told them. I feel for you re your dad. Might I suggest that you phone or meet with your CNS to ask advice about how/when to tell him? My CNS were super and really supportive. I talked to one of them in person before I told my adult children. If you need any help or support at weekends, we’re here but the Macmillan Support line is also open 8am-8pm 7 days a week. 

  • Update

    Told my dad. He was so matter of fact which was refreshing. I guess he will process it away from people at his pace.

    Still awaiting info from the gynae team but I'm remaining positive.

    I will say evey little pain or niggle is setting off my anxiety, and I've had customer at my work place tell me I look like I've lost weight, which worries me because I haven't changed my diet.

    Hopefully I will have an update from the hospital this week and then have a clear plan ahead.

    I appreciate all the wonderful words people have said and I take comfort in knowing I'm not alone,l. Thanks

  • Oh my goodness-since my diagnosis every twinge of trapped wind has been ‘the cancer’! I have grade 1 cancer and just today got the good-ish news that it hadn’t escaped from my uterus. But I lay awake last night with a left sided pain that I was absolutely certain was spread…then I farted!! I sympathise entirely! And I’ve still to tell my mum-not looking forward to that. As for losing weight-I bet that unless you panic eat like me, just stress will have burned up some calories. All the best to you.