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Hi lovely folks I wonder if I might ask for your thoughts, advice, information etc as I am so confused right now.

Breast Cancer in 2017, Lumpectomy with SNB and 20 sessions of Radiotherapy. Put on Letrozole for 5 years but suffered terribly with Vaginal dryness and redness and just generally not pleasant side effects. Spoke to Breast Nurse who undertook Predict Tool on me and Letrozole came back with having  a 2% benefit for me so symptoms outweighing benefits, stopped after 2 years. Have been Post Menopausal for 25 years( early menopause) and over last 3 years intermittent Post menopausal bleeding which was a bit of a surprise! Fast tracked and had biopsies taken which showed Endometrial thickening but watch and wait was the order of the day and an Open 18 month ability to refer straight back in to be seen. Lats episode of PMB August 23 so back into system and saw Gynae consultant on 7th September. Further tests and scan and showed further thickening now at 15mm from 11mm. He seemed rushed on that day and said he was inserting a progesterone coil in place until he could get me in for a Hysteroscopy. My first question is have any of you had this happen for you with a coil being fitted?.

3 days after fitting and some spotting after that I start bleeding and bleeding and bleeding. I try to get back in touch with him and he says he wants to give me some medication Progesterone to stop the bleeding which I understand. I'm just curious as to why I'm bleeding so heavily and now on day 32 of solid heavy bleeds. Has anyone else experienced this? Im s undecide re this medication as having had Breast Cancer hormones are a no no. Pain meds to help with spasms interact with my heart meds having  had a heart attack in 2019. So I take a blood thinner and this med he has asked me to take causes clots?  He wont remove coil until I've had Hysteroscopy and so that's where I am and not sure which way to jump? So any thoughts much appreciated . And just to top it all I went to see Nurse yesterday and she examined me and lots of clots visible and she took some bloods and  lo and behold I'm now anemic and to start on iron tablets. You could not make any of this up?              

  • Hello Granny59

    Welcome to the Womb forum.

    I am sorry to hear that you are having all this bleeding on top of the other things that you have had going on. 

    From my own understanding and experience when there is post menopausal bleeding it is normal to have the scans and a hysteroscopy/biopsy and for them to be repeated. When the hormones oestrogen and progesterone are out of sync it will cause the womb lining to build up. At menopause the oestrogen level drops. The Letrozole that you took at the time will also have caused a drop/blocked the oestrogen. This is to try to reduce any recurrence of the breast cancer. 

    Because everything was out of sync the endometrium built up and this then triggered some bleeding. From what you are saying about the thickness beginning to increase, the progesterone coil was likely placed to try to prevent any further build up and to try to balance the hormones. The build up (hyperplasia) is something to try to avoid as it can in some cases become cancer in some people. It does not mean that people who have hyperplasia will get cancer, its more that it can be in some people a risk factor. That is why they did the earlier biopsy.

    Some ladies have regular hysteroscopies/biopsies to monitor. Some ladies with very early stage and grade womb cancer can have progesterone to keep the cancer under control to enable them to have children. 

    I can understand your concern about having a hormone treatment due to your previous breast cancer but the hormone coil should be working directly where it needs to so that will mitigate the risk for a short time. And with the hysteroscopy planned I would imagine they are trying to prevent any further thickening before they have investigated. Because you are still bleeding, despite having the coil (not uncommon) then a course of oral progesterone would be the next step. With progesterone, particularly taken orally there can initially be some heavy bleeding until things settle and the hormones start to balance. Once that happens, and the lining settles then the bleeding should lessen.

    Because my first symptoms were a heavy bleed and the scan showed a distinct area- rather than a hyperplasia- I was not given progesterone. And because of what showed on my scan, I was called the following day for a biopsy. With a hysteroscopy they are basically using a tiny camera to look inside your womb so if the bleeding can lessen then it will enable them to have a clearer look. 

    Before my cancer diagnosis I was given oral progesterone due to having really heavy periods and after around 2/3 months of heavier bleeding, the bleeding completely stopped. Its a common treatment for ladies having heavy periods due to the peri menopause. 

    Any medication to thin the blood will make the bleeding heavier, until the hormones balance. 

    It was a good thing to see the nurse yesterday and one thing I was told was if I was passing clots or soaking through a pad within an hour it meant I needed to be checked.

    My feeling would be that you need to, if possible push for the hysteroscopy to be done as soon as it can be, and if the blood loss does not settle in a few days to go back to the doctor/nurse you saw. I would also think a further blood test to check if levels are going up. The iron tablets will help your haemoglobin to start to go up but because you are still bleeding it may mean they need to give you a helping hand with a transfusion. I had one during my chemo for very low levels and it made a big difference after a couple of days.

    If at anytime you experience really heavy bleeding or are feeling unwell/lightheaded/dizzy etc then it would be a good idea to get checked as soon as you can. NHS111 can be very good to assess this. 

    With any questions about medication then I would advise you to check with your doctor directly as we are not medically trained on here. They should be able to reassure about any potential interactions. 

    I hope this helps a bit, but if there is anything else I can help with, please do ask.



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • I had bleeding every day for the 3 months I had a Mirena…pretty heavy the first week and then it got less and less…my consultant said, when I said I was fed up of the damn thing and wanted it taken out “it will probably get worse before it gets better” so it does seem that it affects everybody differently…I was glad to see the back of it but it did the job for me no hyperplasia (what I was being treated for)  in the histology after my hysterectomy.

    My GP did prescribe me some medication to stop the bleeding but I never needed it as by that time the bleeding had got much better.

    Hope things settle down for you soon x

  • Hi Jane thank you so much for your really helpful reply. I do wish I had insisted that we have a chat about things but he was so busy that day I came out and never asked anything  at the time and then things developed. So, having  someone like yourself to be able to ask is super and very reassuring  so thank you again for your reply and ill keep you updated on progress. Consultant called me today and he is putting a rush on to get me in for Hysteroscopy so watch this space. Also started on Iron tablets today so here's hoping things start to improve. 



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  • Hi Duffers mum and thank you for your reply it is very much appreciated. Having  had no periods for 25 years and then a coil inserted  it was such a shock to bleed so heavily for so long and I wasn't prepared for that. Had I known then what I know now I may have had been more prepared but didn't get the chance to talk or ask much but so glad you lovely folks are here.  

    Thank you for your good wishes.  Consultant called today and will put  a rush on Hysteroscopy and Ive started on iron tablets today.  Will keep you posted on progress and thank you again. 



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  • I wasn’t expecting the bleeding either and it really got me down, thankfully over and done with now though, hope you get a date for your hysteroscopy soon x

  • That's great that they are trying to get the hysteroscopy done quickly.

    If the bleeding becomes really heavy and continues there is other medication that they can give you but I was told they prefer not to if you are due a hysteroscopy/biopsy shortly as they can affect the result. I am not really sure why as I didn't think to ask at the time. 

    One thing the nurse who did mine said was that if I had heavy bleeding and was concerned to take a picture/ keep a note of how often I needed to change my pad. If it was getting to once an hour and there were clots- that was time to ask to be assessed. 

    I was told vitamin A and vitamin C rich foods can help with iron absorption. 

    Iron can upset your tummy a bit so it is something to be aware of. 

    Hope your appointment comes through quickly and any questions please ask 



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Hello and welcome. Sorry to hear about your health issues. 

    I was diagnosed with endometrial cancer after the thickening of my womb lining and a small polyp was discovered in a scan.

    I had a hysteroscopy and biopsies, and the polyp was removed. The surgeon confirmed it was cancer a few days later. On that day, he prescribed me Provera, just to keep the cancer under control and to see if it could reverse the cancer, as I still had hopes of having children. 

    I had a mirena coil and was on 600mg of provera (progesterone). I stayed on it a year, and biopsies were taken. Unfortunately even though the cancer had not progressed, it was still on the womb lining at a microscopic level. 

    I stayed on it another year, and still didn't work so I had to surrender and have a hysterectomy as I just wanted to move on with my life. 

    During the time that I was on Provera, and had mirena coil, I did get bleeding and spotting regularly. I was told this is normal and it's just the body's reaction to the changes in hormones. 

    Take care, I hope everything works out for you. x

  • Hi Jane 25111 Just to say that i have a date for Hysteroscopy on Monday 13th of November under general anaesthetic. 


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  • Hi Gail- that's fab- not too long to wait and general anaesthetic. I bled a fair bit after mine- for around 48 hours so you probably best to take a pack of night time sanitary towels- they are a bit longer and more absorbent. My hospital gave me a standard on- but it was a very basic one. Hope it goes ok for you 


    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Hi Jane 25111 and all you lovely ladies. Had my hysteroscopy under GA on 13th November and Consultant has just called  me this early evening to say no Cancer cells in biopsies, so that is the best news ever.

    Coil remains in situ and will continue to do so and appears to be having the desired effect. She said  the whole lining of the womb looks polypy but no distinctive polyps if that makes sense ? 

    Ive to keep an eye on the level of bleeding and if it doesn't settle in next 6 months I have to contact her secretary  and she swill repeat the biopsies. Kissing heart 


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