2nd installment

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  • 84 subscribers


This is my further follow up message from yesterday.

I came home on tue 3/10 at around 9pm after my hysterectomy. Before my op my nurse told me they cannot stage with just a biopsy by the way. Need to look at results after op. Not sure if this applies to everyone.

Obviously i was tired, had food went to bed.

The next day i had terrible pain down my back in spasms. This continued on and off all day. I had painful urination also. The n ext morning i had pink spots on tissue after peeing.

I rang gynu at my hospital and they said come in.

I was there from 10am until 2:30pm.

Had bloods taken and temp was normal.

I was relieved when they said bloods were fine. They said its the catheter used during op. Not for one second did i think of that and i wasnt told to expect it.

Silly of me i suppose. I have had a temp each afternoon into evening. Highest was 38.3 on sat i think. My abdomen is usually hot too. I ca feel it when it comes on. I also had terrible spasmodic pain down my back until i had bowel movement on sat. 

My consultant said it can be normal after op to have low level fever. Also online i read up to a week.

Anyway.  Ladies take the laxatives and by a thermometer if you need one. I had to.

Hopefully not everybody will have my experience but just wanted to share.

Hopefully just one week to results now. Happy days, at least we had a few sunny days.

One other problem. Montysan my secondt best friend  keeps diving on my belly. She is my 17 and a half year old kitty and she has been doing it to wake me up at around 5am since she was about 12 weeks. I have put a pillow there to confuse her. It doent always work!

Thank you all for your advice and comments. It is appreciated.

  • Hi Foliage,

    Yes that is normal that they do not stage it until the post op pathology. They normally can have a fair idea from the biopsy and scans before the surgery but nothing can be confirmed until post op. Some times there are changes.

    Am sorry that you have had pain from your catheter. I can't remember it being mentioned to me- but could well have been and it does make sense that it has caused irritation. Am glad that the spasmodic back pain was relieved by your bowel movement. I had not heard about the low grade fever but it is really good that you were able to contact your team, get checked over and be reassured.

    I hope that your post op results arrive quickly. Mine came through at 3 1/2 weeks post op but I did keep asking. There is a lot of variation between hospitals and if they do take a bit longer, it doesn't necessarily mean good or bad news- sometimes the labs are just busy and sometimes the results are discussed at a weekly MDT meeting first and that can sometimes delay by a few days.

    How lovely to have Monty to keep you company, although it must feel a bit uncomfortable when he jumps on your tummy. I have cats as well and they used to spend a lot of time snoozing next to me while I was recovering. 17 1/2 is an impressive age.  By the way we do have a forum on here for animal lovers. They can be a great comfort to us and are part of the family. If you click on my name and go to the bottom of my profile there is a link to a blog I wrote that includes some pictures of my 3 cats! At the bottom of the blog there is a link to the forum.

    Thanks for sharing your experiences. It will help others, of that I am sure. 



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Hello  

    I am interested what the nurse said. My consultant told me stage and grage at biopsy results, but emphasised the definitive result is after the op. I keep getting stage and grade muddled up. I don't know what's going on with me but I keep getting them the wrong way round. Is this just me?

    Sorry to hear about your back spasms - that sounded painful but I am glad you are feeling bit better. I had painful spasms and I was so relieved when my catheter was removed. I felt instantly 50% better. Surgeon said they had a bit of trouble getting catheter in, so told me to watch out for symptoms of UTI. Sure enough, four days post op I got a UTI. I had antibiotics which then caused thrush. Oh joy!

    Hope your recovery goes well.

  • Hi. Sorry to hear about your probs. 

    This is ONLY my thinking but as far as i thought a biopsy shows cancer cells My letter stated presence of endometrial cancer grade 1. Im the same sorry, i meant grade not stage.

    They will not know the size and how far until they do the further tests on what they removed. 

    The grade is the size of the tumor and how far its spread.

    The nurse confirmed this for me.

    Please speak to your nurse or the gyni oncology if you need further advice. 

    Hope this is helpful 

  • The stages and grades can be confusing when they start talking about them. Stage means basically the stage that the cancer has got to- So stage 1 means its contained with in the womb. Stage 2 means that there are cells in the cervix. Stage 3 means that there is a bit of spread outside of the womb but it is still contained within the pelvis. Stage 4 means that the cancer has travelled outside of the pelvis to other places. 

    Grade is the type of cancer cells and how they look under the microscope. Grade 1 means that they are not much different to the normal cells and they are less likely to spread. Grade 2 means there is a little more difference. Grade 3 means that the cancer cells look very different to usual cells and that they can sometimes behave (spread) more aggressively. 

    When the post op comes back they are looking at the stage the cancer has got to and the grade of the cells to see how likely they are to spread. They also look at a few other bits and pieces and from that they can work out how far the cancer has got and how likely it is to recur. From all of that they can make recommendations for any further treatment.

    For me I was stage 1b so my cancer was still at an early stage and within my womb but my grade was 3 which meant further treatment was needed. If I had been stage 1b but grade 1 I would have been unlikely to need any more treatment.

    Hope this make sense!


    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Sorry. The stage refers to size and spread. Grade means the appearance of cancerous cells. NHS website. Many apologies

    My head isnt working at the moment

  • It does! 

    Thank you  

  • Thank you, that is helpful.