Hello. Im new

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Had full robotic hysterectomy on tue 3/10. My results from histology will be available in two weeks.

Does anyone have advhce on constipation. I havnt bee to the loo since Mon and its the worst part of the pain. Prasms down back. I took milk of magnesia and was given a laxative at hospital on thur but still nothing.happening.

Im scared to go but i know i will need to soon

Any advice would appreciated. 

Thank you

  • Hi,

    When my husband had problems with constipation he was told never to go more than 3 days. They advised me to get Movicol, which I did and took a sachet after 2 days. It worked straight away, and although the box held about 20 I only ever needed the one. 

    The first time was painful, but a lot better after that. I also found I had to sit and concentrate quietly before anything happened!! I suppose all the nerves and muscles are disturbed. Drink lots and short walks helped me. Good luck !!

  • Thank you for your advice

  • Hi  

    Oh, the constipation is very difficult to handle. One piece of good advice which I got was to raise my feet off the floor when on the loo-I put my feet on a stool. This gives a more natural position to “go”. I did also take Laxido, which has the same action as Movicol. Sometimes it can take a day or 2 for things to happen, but my experience was that  this helped much quicker. I hope you can get some relief soon, as you’ll feel so much better when you do.

    Sarah xx

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    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • I was given a bottle of lactulose and to take a dose daily. I will say it is "very effective" I only took one dose!!

  • After general anaesthetic it takes a while for the bowels to start working again. Are you passing wind? Stomach gurgling (peristalsis)? I know it took me a few days. I had my surgery on a Tuesday and was discharged on the Friday. I think I finally went on the Saturday. It was painful. I was advised to use senna which is a natural laxative 

  • Hi,

    Drinking plenty of fluids and mobilising helps. Not straining is important, especially after surgery and vaginal cuff repair. After my total hysterectomy nearly three weeks ago, everything feels different bowel wise. It's a bit more crampy at the moment.

    Hope you feel better soon.

  • Hello Foliage

    I am sorry to hear that you have constipation following your hysterectomy. Have you mentioned to your CNS/doctor about it? it is important that if you are going to take laxatives, that they are the right type while you are healing inside.

    Are you able to pass wind/have gurgling sounds in your tummy? If not then this is something that needs mentioning to your team.

    During the surgery everything slows down and it can take a few days for everything to start moving again. I was advised to take stool softeners by my team and took these for the first week. They did make a difference. The first time I went was about 48 hours after surgery and it was really uncomfortable but after that time, with the help of the stool softeners things soon got back to normal. It is important that you are not straining to go while you are in the early healing days. Putting your feet up on a low stool can help. Also drinking plenty, regular eating and moving around will all help. Apple juice helped me.

    Hope this helps, but I do advise you to give your team a call, there should be a number on your discharge form- it's better to get sorted sooner and then you will feel a lot more comfortable. 



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Hi Foliage, I had my hysterectomy in January 2022 and had my first bowel movement on the 4th day, naturally, without taking anything, I was quite relaxed about it, kept my diet light post op (mostly protein and fruit, low carb) and figured it would come out eventually and it did! I had some urgency pains but they soon went. Hope yours moves soon! 

  • Hi there. Lactose stool softener, senna (2 at night) worked for me post stroke. I will use again post hysterectomy next week. GP has also prescribed Fybogel sachets to have if needed.

     A friend who has been through the procedure has advised that tinned prunes and oranges are useful additions to your daily diet in th e weeks post procedure. 

    Hope you find some of the advice useful. 

  • Thanks for your reply.

    It happened yesterday!

    I have relief.

    Just ongoing temp spikes, may need hospital trip again.

    I have put another post up to explain whats happening.