Scared of symptom's

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  • 84 subscribers

Hi I am 44 and been having spotting  in between periods and mu last period  was a weird watery blood, I am going to the doctor on Tuesday to talk about symptoms, but I have a read so much that bleeding and cramps which I do have is cancer, I had a clear ovary scan  back in feb and clear smear 2 years ago, I al so scared. 

  • Hello Ro12

    Welcome to the Online Community. I am sorry to hear that you are having some symptoms that are worrying you.

    Contacting your Doctor and having the appointment on Tuesday really is the best plan. 

    Spotting between periods and changes in periods/cramps etc could well be a normal part of getting older but if there is something more worrying going on then it is far better to find out sooner. It is reassuring that you had a clear ovary scan in Feb and that you are up to date with your cervical screening and that it was clear.

    What is likely to happen is that the doctor will talk to you about your symptoms and then if they are concerned may do blood tests and send you for some scans. This is so they can get a clearer picture of what is causing the symptoms. Sometimes they do this on an urgent 2 week referral and if they do this please do not immediately fear the worst. It is normal for people to be put on the urgent referral if there are any symptoms that could, in some people, lead to cancer diagnosis. For me my only symptom was a heavy bleed and I was put on the 2 week referral and then had blood tests and scans. 

    I hope this helps a bit. Maybe think writing a list of symptoms/questions for the doctor to help remember everything. I did this myself as I find my mind can go blank when at the doctors. 

    Good Luck for Tuesday and if there is anything you need or want to ask, please do so. The Support Line number is at the bottom of this, if you feel chatting it through with someone would help. 



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