New diagnosis

  • 9 replies
  • 86 subscribers

Hello all,  I am new on here I just got diagnosis of uterine cancer yesterday.   It’s looking like stage 1 but it has gone to another centre for further histology to confirm.    I am suffering quite a bit of low pelvic pain like period pains,  is this normal …has anyone else had this ?

  • Good Morning Retired23

    Welcome to the Online Community. I am sorry to hear that you had a diagnosis of uterine cancer yesterday. Being diagnosed with cancer is a worrying and stressful time and I hope that you will find it helps to share with others on here. There are many lovely ladies on here who have been where you are now and will understand how you are feeling and will want to offer support. 

    It is normal to be given a provisional stage at diagnosis and then what normally happens is that after any surgery further pathology is done and this will confirm the stage and grade. This is how they determine the best possible treatment. Stage 1 sounds reassuring as it means it is early and hopefully localised. I expect you have probably also had scans at this stage. 

    After my biopsy I did feel a little pelvic discomfort, almost like when a period is coming on but my main symptom before surgery was the heavy bleed. I did feel a bit generally achy in the couple of weeks before surgery but am unsure whether that was due to anxiety over the diagnosis and just being more aware than normal that something wasn't right.

    I will pop a link below of some information that I found helpful when I was first diagnosed.

    Womb cancer booklet | Macmillan Cancer Support

    If you click on my name, my profile will come up. It may be an idea in the future to pop something on your profile so people know where you are at in your journey and can offer the best support. It is entirely up to you but I did find it helped me in that I didn't have to keep repeating myself.

    I hope that you are getting plenty of support from your hospital and support at home. If you feel like chatting to someone would help then I recommend giving the Support Line a call. They are lovely on there. The number is below and they are there from 8am to 8pm.

    I hope this helps a bit but if there is anything else you need or want to ask- then please do so. 

    Good Luck



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Thank you Jane for your reply.    It’s such a lot to take in just now but it’s great to have this forum for support.   Thanks for the information you attached.

    take care


  • Yes, it can be very overwhelming and a lot to take in to begin with. But we are here if you need us. 


    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • I was diagnosed with grade 1 stage 1. I had been having painful periods and after the hysteroscopy I experienced a constant low level ache or crampy feeling. I think it’s common and also once diagnosed I was super hyper aware of the slightest twinge which I think is also normal. It can be a lot to take in and some health anxiety is to be expected. Did you get assigned a nurse who can answer any questions?

  • Thanks for your reply.    Yes I agree I have become very aware of the cramp feeling now,  it’s not constant but comes and goes.  I have also lost 10lbs which I do need to lose but I haven’t been trying and that is making me anxious.    Has anyone else lost weight ?  I have picked up the staging and grading incorrectly,  they are thinking stage 1 but just waiting on confirmation as they have sent to the glasgow centre for confirmation on the biopsies taken.    This forum is very helpful and informative and I am so glad to have found it,   We are all going through the same journey and can support each other.

    Eunice x

  • I found it helped to remind myself I was on the treatment track. After my diagnosis I cut out wine and sugar and lost some weight, the worry meant my appetite was smaller. It’s hard not to panic.

  • Hi  

    I'm sorry to read of your diagnosis but a warm welcome to the group. I also had pain, like you say, it came and went but it was quite intense, especially in the middle of the night but weirdly paracetamol usually sorted it out. I was still working then and worked up until my surgery. My profile is there if you would like to read. Hope you get a date for surgery soon.

    A x

  • Thank you for your reply,   You are truly amazing x. strangely my pain is worse lying down at night too,  I just want to get confirmation of hospital date,   I had a hysteroscopy under sedation but I now have an appointment for a vaginal ultrasound scan,  I thought this would have been done at hysteroscopy…it’s all a bit confusing. 

    eunice x

  • Hi  

    Thanks for your reply. I had a vaginal ultrasound pre surgery also. It was a bit uncomfortable but the radiographer was very gentle. It's all just to get better views, I think. Hope you get a date soon

    A x