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Hi, I’m 52, had BC (lumpectomy, radiotherapy no lymph node involvement) aged 47 and was on Tamoxifen until June this year when I decided to come off Tamoxifen and start HRT. My quality of life was poor, terrible anxiety (helped by sertraline), brain fog, very low energy, clitoral atrophy.

I then started spotting (last period Feb 2020) so my gynae advised to up my progesterone which I did.

Came away on 19th august to Croatia and within a day the bleeding became torrential and I felt very weak. I presented to the hospital and they did a transvaginal ultrasound which has shown a 20 x 480 mm “polyp”. I’d stopped HRT the day before and the bleeding has now slowed.

Spoke to the gynae in UK and I’m booked for MRI the day after I get back on 1/9 and a hysteroscopy on 7/9 to do biopsies. I have healthcare through my husband’s work which is why it’s so quick.

I have felt tired for months, have a lot of stress in my life which does affect me physically but because of this and issues with the feeling of a lump in my throat and a three week period of diarrhoea I had been referred to a specialist and had an endoscopy and colonoscopy earlier this month, amongst other things they found polyps in my lower intestine. I haven’t had any biopsy results but thinking no news is good news (follow up appointment was 8/9 but I’ll need to change it and dovetail the two consultants).

anyone on here who has experienced similar- Tamoxifen is known to have an oestrogenic effect on the uterine lining but they don’t monitor it in the UK, the scan showed hyperplasia as well.

I have such a bad feeling about this and I’m having a massive attack of the poor me’s. 

  • Hello Ragdoll52

    Welcome to the Online Community. 

    I am sorry to hear of your previous breast cancer. I see that you have a lot going on at the moment and it is understandable that you are so worried about it all. There are several different symptoms that may or may not be related so it is right that they are checking everything out for you. It is understandable to fear the worst when being overwhelmed with so much going on. 

    I am sorry that you have had a heavy bleed.

    That was the symptom that led me to get checked out for Womb cancer. I did not have any of the other symptoms that you mentioned. Bleeding can also be caused by other things such as fibroids and a bleed on its own does not necessarily mean cancer. It may be due to the hyperplasia or the polyp you mention. The tamoxifen, progesterone and HRT may indeed be part of it. This was the case for a close friend of mine recently who did not have cancer. 

    The MRI and the hysteroscopy/biopsies are the only way to know for sure and it is good that you are having them done so quickly. I hope that you do not need to wait too long to get your results back. 

    In the meantime if you feel like talking it through would help then I can recommend the Support Line. The number is below and they are on there from 8am-8pm everyday. 

    I hope this helps a bit and if there is anything else that you need please do ask.



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm