Hey there, not sure where to turn

  • 4 replies
  • 85 subscribers

Hi there, im new here and new to forums. Just looking for some advice. I was diagnosed with endometrial cancer in January 23. Im in my early 30s, no children and I’ve had problems with my womb and ovaries since I was 15. I had the scans and I had the tumours removed in February and had the mirena coil inserted as it was proven that this would reverse the cells. I was advised in 3 months time I would have my first biopsy. I had this done in June and unfortunately the coil hasn’t worked. There are some other bits as well but they have recommended I have a hysterectomy. I have agreed to this but I’m just finding everything really hard at the moment. My husband has been extremely supportive but I feel guilty on him about this as he has a high pressure job. I feel like I shouldn’t be upset and I should try and get on with things until the operation but I believe this is a life changing operation as I can no longer have children and I’m worried about other health issues. I just don’t know what to do or where to turn. Should I take some time off work? Should I just carry on? Any help or advise would be appreciated

  • Hi  

    I'm very sorry to read of your diagnosis and that the mirena coil was unsuccessful. It is a lot to get your head round that you are now going to have surgery. Also, because of your age, there are fertility issues for you to deal with. Have you spoken to your husband about how you are feeling and asked his thoughts on it all? Please don't feel guilty about the fact that you have been diagnosed with cancer. How are you coping at work? I was diagnosed last January and worked up until my operation date. I now look back and I was very distracted, I was in awful pain at times. My manager piled the work on me as I was going to be off and I just broke down on my last day. The pressure was too much. As it is I didn't ever return to work. My story is a bit shocking but you can read it on my profile. Just click on my username.

    Have you got a Macmillan nurse (CNS - clinical nurse specialist) at the hospital? Could you ring and speak to her? If not, I would recommend that you ring the Macmillan helpline and have a chat, you can speak to a nurse at certain times.  This is the link to contact https://www.macmillan.org.uk/about-us/contact-us

    I think it would help you a lot to discuss the issues that you face. You are not on your own though, involve your husband as it affects you both as a couple. Look after yourself and keep posting there are a lot of lovely ladies in the group to offer advice and support.

    A x

  • Hi sistermoon. Thank you for much for your reply. Yh I have and he’s very supportive and we talk through things, and of course he’s there for me but he tells me I need to do what’s best for me and sometimes I just wish someone could help me with what to do for the best. I suffer quite bad with anxiety but for someone reason I’ve been ok the last 7 months. I’ve mostly been ok at work, then last night I just felt like I had a massive load of boulders on top of me and felt like everything was too much. And I don’t get why all of a sudden it’s not hitting me? 

    I’ve read your story and I’m so so so sorry you’re going through this. I’m so sorry you’ve had to go through all these horrid times and your so brave for sharing your story and helping others Blush xx

  • Hi  

    There is another thread on here called Newly diagnosed - anxious. Have a read through I think it may help. Remember if you need to talk - the Macmillan helpline - number link is above.

    Thank you for your kind words.

    A x