Hysteroscopy needed

  • 5 replies
  • 87 subscribers

Hi all in a quick breakdown. I was sent for scan in March and tons all ok but new doctor looked back at the results last week and wasn’t happy so sent me under the 2 week rules. I was seen in 3 days. Now need Hysteroscopy.

my question is I’ve had really bad back pain lower back mainly at night which is what’s caused all my tests. Has anyone who’s had womb cancer also had a bad lower back?

I had back mri 5 weeks ago and still waiting on results even though i was told 2 week turn round 

just wonder if connected or just a  fluke 

nervous but just want to get tests done. Going away in 5 weeks and really need the break x

  • Hello Twinmum

    I am sorry to see that you are having some tests at the moment and are still waiting on the MRI results. There seems to be such a variation between hospitals at the moment. My biopsy results took around a week but my post op pathology took around 3 1/2 weeks. 

    My first symptom was a heavy bleed and that is what led me going to hospital. I did have a bit of a niggly back the week before, around kidney area but I am pretty sure I did this lifting something the week before. The consultant didn't feel it was connected. A couple of weeks after the bleed I did have a bit of discomfort in my lower abdomen and felt a bit achy/bloated. But the bleed for me was really the only indication that something was seriously amiss. 

    I would mention the back pain to your doctor and any other symptoms that crop up so they are aware.

    I hope that your hysteroscopy appointment comes through quickly for you. My hospital called me the morning after my ultrasound and I was booked in for the biopsy the following day. I will pop a link below about the hysteroscopy in case you would like more information.

    Hysteroscopy - NHS (www.nhs.uk)

    Please do let us know if there is anything else we can do to help. I can understand you being nervous and just wanting the tests out of the way. I was the same- I just wanted to know for sure what was going on. Once I knew what it was and what the treatment was I felt much more in control.



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Thank you for replying. Just had a call from the hospital to say there is a 6 week wait for the Hysteroscopy. we go away in 5 had hoped to have to it done before going away but who knows.

    Hate having it hanging over us. Doctor haz also told me to come off all my HRT so on a come down from that. 6 years I’ve been on HRT worried I’ll go backwards without it?

  • That’s a really long wait if your supposed to be on the 2 week pathway..my consultant put me on the routine list for polyp removal by hysteroscopy because my womb biopsy was normal and I was told that was a 14 week wait…I went back and said I wasn’t happy about that so he put me back in urgent list and I was seen a couple of weeks later..I’m glad I kicked up a fuss as precancerous cells were found in a polyp…could you maybe contact consultants Secretary to see if things can be done before the 6 weeks?

  • It's tough having it hanging over you and I can understand it's disappointing about your holiday. Any chance of bringing it forward maybe? Maybe ask about if they would put you on a short notice cancellation list? 

    I wasn't on HRT but I can recommend that you follow the doctors advice- my results showed mine was oestrogen and progesterone positive which would have meant that the HRT would have been affecting the cancer. 



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Twinmum, I’d recommend contacting your GP and telling them about the 6 weeks wait. Hospitals are answerable to GP’s for the 2 week pathway (my consultant told me this) and your GP may be able to push for you.