Womb cancer

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  • 90 subscribers

Hello, I'm new here Slight smile

In March 2023 I was diagnosed with stage1a grade 1 cancer, in April I had a total hysterectomy and was told that the cancer had been completely removed with the surgery,  I do realise how very lucky I am, however,  I cannot stop worrying about the cancer coming back,  I say a silent prayer every time I go to the loo as I worry there might be blood or discharge,  I can't make plans for the future or move on, I have also been diagnosed with reactive depression and have been put on antidepressants, how do I get past this and start living again, thank you

  • Hi my diagnosis was April this year I had a total hysterectomy and am now waiting to see if I need any follow up treatment.My appointment is this coming Monday which will be 8 weeks post surgery Even though I was told at the results clinic the cancer had been contained in my womb and I was now cancer free it’s really hard to get on with my life . I hope after Mondays appointment I can believe it  I am terrified that I may have to have preventative treatment but at least I will know . I think the not knowing and feeling like I am in limbo is really hard  x

  • Hi  

    Hello.  My cancer history was very different but I hope you don't mind me replying. I think, from my time on here that it is very common to be in shock that it might be all finished with. After all the worry, appointments etc it's a bit like - what now?

    There is a group on this site that may be useful as it is not surprising that a lot of people feel like this after a cancer diagnosis.This is the link if you would like to join Life after cancer forum 

    I hope you find it helpful.

    A x

  • Hi elaine1903, I'm so sorry to hear that you too had a diagnosis, it really does take the wind out of you hearing those words, I am so pleased to hear that you are having follow up appointments as I do feel that this helps to find your way through this, this has been the thing that has been missing from my treatment, no follow up after my hysterectomy, was sent home 6hrs after surgery, then had a 5 minute phone call 10wks after surgery telling me of symtoms to look out for in the future and that's been it. Can I ask what stage/grade your cancer was, I really hope that you get the all clear on Monday and a bit of peace of mind x

  • Thank you so much sister moon, I have now joined that forum, thank you for pointing me in that direction x

  • Hi I was stage 1 grade a after my first biopsy but after surgery I was stage 1 grade b as the cancer was thicker x

  • Fingers crossed you don't need any further treatment,  my specialist told me stage 1 & 2 didn't require further treatment so I'm really hopeful for you, xx

  • Hi Cyanyear and welcome to the group! Well done for having had your surgery and I hope that you are recovering well from the op. It’s not clear from your post what help you’ve already tried, so please forgive me if I mention anything you’ve already tried. Have you contacted your CNS to chat about how you’ve been feeling? Did you know that most if not all hospitals do a “Life after cancer” course to help people adjust afterwards? This is sometimes  a day course, sometimes for a morning or afternoon once a week for a few weeks. Your CNS will be able to tell you about it. 

    Your feelings are actually very “normal” and I imagine that most if not all of us can relate to the post-cancer wonderings and worryings. I think it’s especially common in women who’ve been told grade 1 stage 1 and no further treatment needed post op, and then found themselves thinking “is that it then?” I’ve also noticed it happening with women who may have gone through diagnosis and op without fully engaging with all the negative emotions that can pop up at that time. A number of women can find it tough to go through months of hospital visits, phone calls, attention from professionals, support etc - and then nothing. I’m not surprised that some women may find this quite difficult to deal with. I’m not saying at all that there’s anything wrong with taking meds as sometimes they are necessary, but I do hope you were offered/given talk therapy first, or concurrently with treatment, as I personally believe that talking about it in a supportive environment can be very therapeutic. Learning to meet those feelings head on rather then denying or avoiding them is how I’ve found my way forward. 

  • Hi, I am 4 weeks post op, having had early stage womb cancer. I had robotic surgery, and things are getting back to normal. After 2 weeks I was very lucky as told the cancer had not spread, but I was shocked to discover I have an appt on Mon as they are offering me radiotherapy, I was not expecting this. It had been mentioned that this would be offered if the cancer had spread to the wall of the womb. So decision to be made after hearing all the pros & cons, wish me luck. Has anyone else gone through radiotherapy, I am trying to think of all the questions I need to ask.

  • Hi Granma4, if you’re unsure as to the reason for the radio being offered, I’d recommend contacting your CNS tomorrow and asking. I had a similar experience - I was predicted grade 1 stage 1a, but post op it was found that there were a few cancerous cells found on top of my cervix, so I was offered radio and brachy as an insurance policy/belt and braces, it was a big shock to me and I was upset at the time, but I went for it and am glad I did. 

  • Hi I was offered radiotherapy as ‘belt and braces’ even though my surgeon was confident that all of the cancer was removed. Yes there are some inconveniences but I am very glad that I had it for that sense of insurance. In retrospect nearly six weeks after my side effects have abated and I know that I did everything I could.