Postmenopausal bleeding and endometrial thickness

  • 4 replies
  • 85 subscribers

Hello all.

I recently went to the GP about postmenopausal bleeding. I was referred for the internal ultrasound and the nurse told me my endometrial thickness was slightly higher than normal, at 6mm. She's referred me and said I should be contacted within 2 weeks. 

I never knew before that postmenopausal bleeding was something to be concerned about. I've checked and it looks like the bleeding started around 2 years ago.

Rationally, I know it could be something minor. But the more I read, the more worried I get about it being cancer.

The waiting, even though it's only been a few days since the ultrasound, is proving quite difficult. 

Is the diagnosis process usually quite quick?


  • Hi Elmo1971, when I had my vaginal ultrasound I was already on the two week pathway and my follow up appointment was pre-booked (as that’s how my hospital operate - they then cancel if it’s not needed). I had my hysteroscopy a week after my ultrasound - or rather it was attempted and abandoned, then I had one under GA a few weeks later. After that I had my diagnosis within just over two weeks.

  • Hi

    I had PMB back in  2019, womb thickness was approx 7mm from scan, had biopsy whuch was normal, then hysteroscopy which found polyps, they were removed and biopsied, all results were normal.

    Fast forward to January this year and exactly the same happened again…womb thickness now 8mm, biopsy normal, hysteroscopy found polyps, they were removed but this time came back with atypia hyperplasia (precancerous cells) found in one polyp. Treatment will be a hysterectomy, went in for that on Monday but sent home as blood sugars too high (suspected that would be the case ) now have a T2 diabetes diagnosis and hysterectomy planned for September (after a booked holiday - consultant more than happy to agree to this). This will give me chance to get blood sugars down and get some weight off.

    Today I had a mirena coil put in and, at my request, they took another biopsy (I’m a dreadful worrier).

    I am aware that after hysterectomy, when it’s all sent off for biopsy, there is still a 35/40% chance that cancer will be found, if that’s the case it should hopefully be early stage only.

    I hope you get your appointment through soon and that everything turns out to be ok x

  • Hello Elmo1971,

    It was good that you went to your GP about postmenopausal bleeding- it is something that needs further investigation. It is normal for it to be checked with an ultrasound. It is good that you have been referred on the 2 week pathway as you will be seen more quickly and won't have to wait. Being on the 2week pathway does not mean that you have cancer but means that you have got some symptoms that may be due to cancer in some people and that this needs ruling out. I know the waiting is hard.

    The diagnosis process for me was I went to a+e with a big bleed, passing clots. This happened out of the blue and I hadn't had any other symptoms. I had been a bit tired, run down I suppose but I had had covid quite badly a couple of months before. Following the bleed I was referred for the ultrasound. I had this on the Monday pm and Tuesday am I was called by a nurse who told me she wanted me in the following day for a biopsy/hysteroscopy. She said something had been found on the scan but they didn't know what it was. I went in for the hysteroscopy/biopsy on the Wednesday. The nurse said that she had referred me for a CT scan and I had a phone call to book that later the same day. There was then around about a week before I got a phone call to tell me they found endometrial cancer. (I was given the option of going in for the results but preferred to speak to the nurse on the phone) There was then around 2 weeks before I got to see the oncologist. I saw him on the Friday lunchtime, I had preop on the Friday pm and surgery was on the following Monday am.

    From the bleed where I went to hospital to the day of surgery was exactly 4 weeks.

    I hope this helps. Hopefully you should hear something in the next few days about what happens next. In the meantime if you have any questions or need anything please let us know



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Thank you all for taking the time to reply. I guess it's just a wee bit more waiting. Hopefully I'll hear something soon.

    I wish you all the very best xxx