New and confused! 2WW thickened womb

  • 6 replies
  • 85 subscribers

Hi all you brave lovelies!

Firstly, apologies for the essay! 
So, very long story short - ish...

I have had stomach, bowl and lady bits issue for YEARS. It’s always been put down to suspected IBS or my lumber herniated disk problem, which I had surgery for nearly a year ago but unfortunately was unsuccessful. I have undergone previous scans in the past - a bowl enema, and a laparoscopy a few years ago. All ok. After coming off the pill around 5 years or so, I’ve never had a proper bleed. Like I just don’t have periods - ever. Although weirdly I do feel like I ovulate. Get the tail tail symptoms every 24 days or so. Egg white discharge, pain in my right side (always the right), wished I had a bloke, because, well, oh my god do I want to get my ‘grove’ on if you get me! - but still no bleed. I got signed off gyane after my laparoscopy came back clear. They did mention menopause but hormone tests have been normal. I am always in pain on my right side, it’s the norm now and over the years I have gotten used to it. Still apparently down to my back issues. Because each month has gotten worse and pretty unbearable, my physiotherapist told me to make an appointment with my GP. She booked me in for a pelvic scan and some bloods. Cool. But just over a week ago I had UTI symptoms. Urgent urination, slow flo of urine, painful bladder etc. But it didn’t really burn or hurt when peeing. Took in a sample to the doctors - all clear. Really odd. I’ve had so many UTI’s in the past I just thought I’d have antibiotics as usual. The doctor fast tracked my scan, and within half an hour the hospital called for an appointment on the Friday. It was Wednesday late afternoon. All a bit unnecessary I thought. Funnily enough I had my smear booked the Friday morning. Talk about a full MOT haha! So had my smear and scan still thinking someone else probably deserves it more than me. A doctor called only 2 hours after getting home saying what they had found. So my womb is apparently erratic - whatever that means. And is a lot thicker than it should be, so I am referring you to gyane and you will see them within 2 weeks. Wow I thought. That’s quick. Then got on good old google didn’t I. Why do we do this! So yeah I’m on the 2week suspected cancer referral. S**t. I did speak to a lovely lady from the hospital who did confirm this, and reassured me ‘suspected’. Still doesn’t make you any less scared. I have just received my smear results which are clear of HPV. Does this mean I’m all good? Or is that not connected to the womb area. I am so confused. I have only just found out my sister has breast cancer. Literally the same week as my scans. It’s devastating. If someone could shed some light on this, or make me less confused I would so appreciate it! 
I have my hospital appointment on the 26th which I’m not even sure what that’s for :-|

  • Hello Donna88

    Welcome to the Online community. I hope that we can be of some support to you. It is such a worrying and stressful time having tests for different symptoms and then getting put on a 2 week referral. Mine was in March last year.

    From my experience if you have a scan and your womb is a lot thicker that it should be then it is pretty much automatically a 2 week referral. This does not mean that you definitely have cancer - it means that you have a symptom that could potentially mean cancer in some people and that it is better to get this checked on the 2 week referral than via a routine referral that could take a lot longer.

    It is reassuring that you smear test results are clear of HPV but the smear test is different to checking for problems within your womb. A thickened womb lining can have a variety of causes that need further investigation. 

    You said you have an appointment on 26th but are not sure what it is for. Maybe you could give them a call and ask about what to expect. I did myself and they were happy to explain.

    After I had my ultrasound and it came back with a problem I was given an appointment to go into oncology. I was asked lots of questions about my medical history, any symptoms and also family history of cancer. I was then had a biopsy taken from my womb. This was sent off to pathology to be checked. I also was given an appointment for a CT scan. There was then a little time where I was waiting for the results and for the doctors to look at them and discuss them. In my case endometrial cancer was found so I was called in to discuss what happens next- in my case hysterectomy. This was then followed up by other treatment. 

    I know that it is a scary time but there are a lot of lovely ladies on here who have been where you are now. It's natural to feel anxious. It is good that they are checking you out thoroughly and hopefully they will be able to work out exactly what is going on and whether or not you need any treatment. 

    I would also recommend staying away from google as a lot of the information is not as accurate as it needs to be. The information on Macmillan is kept up to date. 

    I am very to hear about your sister's diagnosis of breast cancer. Please do refer her to the Online Community if we can be of any support.

    I hope this helps a little. If there is anything else you need please just ask



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Hi Jane,

    Thank you so much for your response! I really appreciate it. I have actually just deleted that thread as I thought maybe I’d rambled on too much! - I’ve just done another one. All of you on here are incredible people, and reading your stories and threads helps so much. Honestly, the past week or so has been the most difficult ever. I have never felt so utterly sick in my life. Eating has been a struggle, but I’m a tad better now after my mum suspected something (she came to my scan) and I fessed up. I didn’t tell any of my family as I didn’t want to put any more worry on them. I totally understand it is ‘suspected’, and I keep telling myself that. I haven’t been well for some time so naturally you think the worst don’t you. I’m soon to be 40 single and no children, so thankfully other than my family, I only have me to worry about. My sister is 44 bless her with two lovely twin daughters. The best nieces in the world! She is made of titanium my sister, I know she’ll get through it. She has an appointment for her treatment plan on Monday. It’s stage2. 
    Thank you so much for sharing your story with me - it’s given me an insight as to what I may expect. I’m sorry you were diagnosed with the dreaded C word, and I really hope you are doing well now with a support network around you xx

  • Hi Donna88.

    A few months ago I was on a similar 2WW as you, and while I am also pre-children, I had been bleeding daily for a few months.

    The process they followed for me was basic cannula investigation. They they referred me for CT. Then onto external and internal ultrasound. Then onto hysteroscopy with biopsy.

    I found it easier to think about it as a jigsaw puzzle, that while you get ideas of what is unfolding, until the last piece goes in the true meaning of the picture really isn't clear.

    I also found reading bits of this Macmillan publication helped me with terminology, pathways and even my understanding of anatomy:

    If you want to understand other community members' journies, clicking on the username will show any profile they've chosen to share - many add their diagnosis, treatment and results there.

    I also agree with jane2511, try contacting the hospital to find out what your appoitment on the 26th entails. Information is power Wink

  • Hello Donna

    Don't ever worry about rambling on- sometimes it just helps to get everything out. 

    I agree that reading people's stories on here helps. Just click on the persons profile if you want to read about their journey. Sometimes it helps to know what to expect. I did a lot of reading of other people's posts and profiles on here before I posted anything and it does help. 

    The main thing is that you have some signs/symptoms that may be cancer or may be something else. The only way to know is to have the tests. And they know for sure what the problem is, they can talk to you about how to treat it. I found the not knowing and waiting around some of the worst times and once I knew what I was dealing with and had a plan I felt much more in control. 

    With your sister's diagnosis I think it is just going to be a harder wait because you are naturally worrying about her as well. I hope that her appointment on Monday goes well. 

    I remember the feeling sick and not eating- anxiety tends to do that with me. Little and often with a bit of what you fancy worked for me and just plenty to drink- especially in this warm weather. 

    I understand the wanting to protect others, I was the same with my son, it's hard to know at what point you say something. My son was on holiday at the time I went to hospital with a bleed and by the time he came home I had already had the biopsy. In the end on a friends advice I told him that I had been to hospital, had a bleed and that I had to get it checked out. He straight away asked if it could be cancer. I said I honestly don't know- it could be or it could be something else. In that was I felt I had prepared him a little. 

    I would think the best next step is to maybe give your hospital a call and ask for clarification about the 26th and what is going to happen. If it is like me I would think it is possibly a hysteroscopy/biopsy and discussion with doctor. A hysteroscopy is where they use a very small camera to have a look inside your womb and a biopsy is where they take a few cells. It is these cells that will help determine whether there is cancer present, whether there are polyps/fibroids or other conditions such as hyperplasia. (Basically thickened lining that may or may not need treatment) But do give them a call and one of the nurses will normally give you a call back and explain everything. Mine was wonderful as I was pretty scared- not so much that it was cancer as I already thought it probably was- but because I am not great with medical procedures. I needed to know what would happen to make it feel more in my control.

    Good Luck for your appointment and please do not be afraid to ask anything. We are here to support you.



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Thank you CrumpetsOrToast! (love that by the way!)

    I have seen your lovely comments to many worried people on here - what a wonderful human you are :-) 

    If I don’t receive a letter from the hospital tomorrow, I will definitely give them a call. The doctor was so quiet and vague when he called about the referral I didn’t really think much of it! I’ve not had a very great experience with gyane in the past, so I was just like ‘oh ok’. It was almost like previously because I didn’t want children I wasn’t important. I can honestly say that’s how it felt, and why my ovulation with lack of periods was just put on the back burner. Anyways I guess it’s getting sorted now, and I’m looking so forward to maybe having a pain free day in the future! Silver linings and all that ;-) 

    Staying positive! I will take a look at that link - thank you :-) 


  • Jane you are so lovely, thank you so much!! 
    I honestly can’t imagine how that must have been breaking the news to your son. Bless you. But it’s good that you did. You clearly have a true friend there you could confined in :-) my sister is petrified about telling the girls. They are 6. The hospital have been brilliant though with advice and little booklets with info. My brother in law is just the best, I know they’ll be fine. Evie suspects something anyway. That little girl is so switched on! Their Auntie Donna will be there - unwell or not!! ;-) We have actually all just been out for a meal as it is my brother in law’s birthday. I ate LOADS!! Yay! I’m only 52kg’s so I know I need to stay healthy! That’s what a physical career does for you. Working with plants is supposed to be relaxing people say... erm, no. Haha!

    Like you though Jane I think I would benefit a bit knowing what is going on a little. Even just at the appointment. I know I’m not going to get answers anytime soon, but a teeny bit of ‘knowing’ will help. I’ve actually ovulated today (egg white) if you know what I mean. It has gotten so bloody painful. Affects my herniated lumber disk like no end. Why I don’t have a bleed though is so strange. I have kept a diary when I’m most painful and get ovulation signs. I will show them this at my appointment. 

    I do hope your doing well? I looked at your story and you’ve had quite a journey. I think all you strong wonderful people need capes!! I can’t tell you how much this forum has helped xx