I’m new here

  • 8 replies
  • 88 subscribers

Hi all

i was diagnosed with endometrial cancer 3 weeks ago and have been reading the posts on this site which has made me realise I’m not the only one! I have been referred for a hysterectomy and waiting for the date. It is so scary but I’m trying to take one day at a time. I’m 64 (birthday yesterday funnily enough I didn’t feel like celebrating!). I am fortunate that I have a very close family but I feel a bit alone which is why I joined this site. I have been encouraged by some of the comments and practical ideas. 


  • Hallo Linda and welcome to the group and to the roller coaster ride that goes with the territory! It’s understandable (and okay) to be scared and anxious. Taking one day at a time is the best way - it may be a battle to keep your mind on today but it’s what will get you through. If you’d like to read my story, you can click on my name. I had my hysterectomy in January 2022. Please do feel free to ask any questions! 

  • Hello Lin0506

    Welcome to the Online Community. I am sorry that you have had a diagnosis of endometrial cancer but I know that there are a lot of lovely ladies on here who have been where you are now and will want to offer you support. Having a diagnosis of cancer is a worrying time but I found sharing with others on here made me feel less alone. 

    I see you have been referred for a hysterectomy. Mine was April last year. It is scary but trying to take one day at a time and to go with the flow is definitely a good idea. 

    Please feel free to post on here as much as you need to and do not be afraid to ask any questions. 

    I hope that you do not have to wait too long for your hysterectomy. I think the waiting can make you feel more anxious and I certainly felt a bit better and more in control once I had the diagnosis and plan of action. It was something to work towards.



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Hi  

    Hello Linda and welcome to the womb group. I know you'll find lots of support here plus as you say, the practical tips for surgery and beyond.

    If you want to, you can click on any of our usernames to read our profiles. It's a good idea to write a profile yourself, you can add to it as you go along. It helps others understand any threads in context and saves you repeating yourself. The Macmillan booklet was a real help to me for understanding the types of endometrial cancer and the stages and grades. It can be accessed/ordered online or obtained from the macmillan centres in the hospital. This is the link https://www.macmillan.org.uk/cancer-information-and-support/stories-and-media/booklets

    Best wishes for your forthcoming surgery

    A x

  • Hi Linda,

    Welcome to the group.  Like you my diagnosis of endometrial cancer was only recent (6 weeks ago).  I am going in tomorrow morning for my hysterectomy and lymphadenectomy, so I really hope that you get an appointment just as quickly.  It took me a while to come on here but I have found the sharing of stories and practical ideas to be helpful, some comments are uplifting, and even funny.

    So no need for you to feel alone, you have your family with you and we are all with you too.

    P.S. Happy birthday for yesterday Birthday


  • Hi Jules

    just got an appointment for a consultation next Tuesday so hopefully hysterectomy won’t be much longer. I’ve been having problems on and off for 4 years so I will be glad to have the operation even though it’s a bit scary. When I saw the gynaecologist yesterday he said they are hoping to do it laparoscopically so fingers crossed I understand it’s a quicker recovery time. I hope everything goes well tomorrow for you I’ll be thinking of you! 


  • Hi again Linda, you may find this thread helpful - it’s a diary thread that I started when I had my op last year. Mine was laparoscopic.

  • Thank you Linda, my op is laparoscopic also.  I am in for overnight stay only because I live alone.  Plan to be up and about as soon as possible.  Definitely take a look at MarmiteFan59 diary, I found it very useful.


  • Thanks Jules and Marmitefan

    i will look at the diary so good to have information from people that have been through what you are going through!

    Let me know how it goes tomorrow Jules.
