After Care

  • 3 replies
  • 85 subscribers

Hello, my name is Anne.

I had Endometrial Cancer a while ago but I'm fully recovered now Blush

But as a precautionary measure I had a hysterectomy, which brought on a forced menopause.  The symptoms of a forced menopause are more severe than a natural menopause.  Just wondering if anyone has any tips on how to manage the symptoms?  

Take Care


  • I had a chemical menopause when I had breast cancer 2 years ago. It's a beast isn't it? My oncologist has told me that sage can help with the flushes, and is safe to take, but check with your own team. Penny Brohn have also been incredibly helpful:

    Flushes aren't the only nasty symptoms though. Which are the worst for you?

  • Hello there, 

    Lovely to get a replyBlush 

    Yes it’s awful.  Thanks for the tip though.  

    I have short term memory loss sometimes.  Also, I’m not sleeping at night, which leaves me drained during the day.  

    Those are probably the worst for me.  What about you?

  • For me the memory loss improved after my body had got used to the hormone changes. It probably took a good year though and it's nothing like back to what it was, but I'm finding ways to manage. I use To Do, which is an app on my phone which syncs with my laptop so that I can keep track of what I'm supposed to be doing throughout the day. I make a note in it immediately of anything that occurs to me to do or find out, because I know that if I think "I'll do that later", I can't kid myself that I'll remember.

    I also note all my medical questions, and make sure I also note the answers at the time, because I don't always remember what people said. There's so much information to keep track of, isn't there?

    My sleep is rubbish too, but again, better than it was a year ago. Are you not sleeping because of hot flushes, or pain/discomfort? Do you struggle to get to sleep, or to stay asleep or keep waking up? There's an app called Sleepio which Penny Brohn recommended. I'm only on week 2 at the moment so I can't tell whether it's helping yet, but it's worth a try.

    How long ago was all this for you?