Biopsy today!

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Hi, I’ve been on Tamoxifen since 2020 after having Grade 3 IDC oestrogen positive Breast Cancer. Periods stopped after my second round of chemotherapy.  Since then my mammograms have been clear so far! Fast forward to summer 2022, episode of uterine bleeding, heavy with clots. Had US and diagnosed thickened endometrium and polyps. Had hysteroscopy under GA and polyps removed. No bleeding until Boxing Day which again was very heavy, flooding etc for about 7 days, then another bleed 10 days later.  Another hysteroscopy today as an outpatient and biopsy.  I have now been listed for a hysterectomy. Anyone else here on Tamoxifen and had the same experience.  I just don’t have a good feeling about the biopsy results this time round!!