Serous Cancer

  • 20 replies
  • 88 subscribers

Morning my first post have been diagnosed with serous womb cancer stage 3 its spread to one of my lymph nodes am having radical hysterectomy  and lymphadenectomy on monday.

My biggest fear is that i have been told this spreads easily and returns.

Not sure how common this cancer is anyone else had this?


  • Morning and sorry to hear of your diagnosis- I was diagnosed yesterday but don’t know what stage, waiting for mri chest X-ray and hysterectomy appointments to come through. I’ve been told that if you have to have cancer it’s a better one to get so I hope that what you have been told isn’t the case. It’s hard to stay positive isn’t it, but we have to try. I’m sending you very good wishes and I’m happy to connect to chat anytime and I wish you all the very best x

  • Morning Julia50

    Sorry to hear your also in similar situation tbh I do not know much read don't google on here so have not.  I think there are different types of cancer and serous is one that is not so common so I was told.

    Hope your tests all come back ok and that you get some more answers soon waiting is awful.

    I am trying to keep positive and stay hopeful for future.

    Take care xx

  • I wish us all well. I also haven’t googled or read anything, even yesterday when the doc offered me a booklet of info I said I didn’t want it. I think I may do in the future but atm I’m getting my head around it and trying to work out on what to tell people. Reach out anytime and fingers crossed for us all going though what we are x

  • Hi HFF

    sorry that you find yourself in this position. It’s quite frightening at first, but you’re in good hands with your team. I was diagnosed at the end of 2018, with Serous Womb Cancer. It was a shock, having just got my head round having womb cancer. Serous accounts for 3-5% of cases of womb cancer and yes it is aggressive and has high chance of recurring. As yours is already stage 3, you will probably be offered chemotherapy after your recovery from surgery. It responds well to chemotherapy.

    I was clear for 4 years and am now undergoing chemo as there is spread to my abdomen lining and a little bit in my lungs. I’m told it is incurable, but can be treated. It’s been hard to handle that, but I feel very hopeful that I will go on living a full life for many years to come. So many treatments are being trialled and coming into mainstream. A positive attitude really helps your prognosis although it is tough.

    my advice to you is not to Google. But don’t live in ignorance either. Get yourself informed- read information given to you by your team and ask lots of questions. But you might not want all the info at once. Take things at your own pace and be kind to yourself. If you’re offered support, take it. This is a good forum for information and there are experts you can ask questions of.

  • Hi Greenclifflady

    Thank you for your reply, sorry to hear its back.

    The information you have given is good to hear although hard at the same time.  I do feel I will cope better with a understanding of this cancer.

    You sound like your dealing with it well and I am hoping I too will have strength to stay strong and positive this is certainly my goal.

    Thank you


  • Hi HFF

    I was diagnosed with Serous Endometrial Cancer in March 2022, also Stage 3, Grade 3. Please feel free to read my profile as it details my journey from diagnosis, through all the treatment. There is no denying it’s a devastating diagnosis. My treatment finished at the end of December. I had a CT scan on Tuesday and see my Oncologist on 20th February to see if the treatment has been successful.  I must say I feel well, apart from achy legs and some numbness in my finger tips and my toes, from the chemotherapy. I’m told this should improve with time. I was told that Serous is a Type 2 endometrial cancer, much less common than Type 1 and more aggressive. Nevertheless I will keep going, getting on with life and dealing with any setbacks if and when they happen. I wish you all the best with your treatment and it would be good to let us know how you are getting on. 

  • Hi Gorleston Girl

    Thank you so much for your message it is comforting to know I am not alone in this journey.

    I read your bio all helpful.  Tbh i am still getting my head round it all.  But am managing to keep smiling.

    Thank you for your support and I hope you get good news at your appt on 20th.


  • Hello HFF 

    I was diagnosed Nov 2021 with high grade cancer, they didn't tell me till January 2022 at my pre op assessment that it was SEROUS, that's the one I definitely didn't want. Luckily I was stage 1a and  it didn't change after the hysterectomy so I was pleased. Please read my bio by clicking on my username for my journey since then. I am well and back to normal life again after an eventful year.

    I also know of a lady in Scotland that was diagnosed with Serous and stage 3 and she's doing very well few years later! So please don't despair, although it's high grade, it's also unpredictable and may NOT come back at all. I'll see if I can attach the screenshot of this story so you can read it yourself. 

  • Hi Julia50, I started a thread on here on things not to say with someone with cancer, and that one is on there - that if you’re going to get cancer that’s the best one to get! I’m sorry it was said to you, as even though I’m sure the person meant it positively it’s not entirely helpful. As to what to tell people - who do you need/want to tell? I told very few people as I didn’t want to have to cope with their reactions as well as processing it myself. What people say can be unhelpful even if they don’t mean to be and it can become about them instead of about us, the ones actually with cancer! I told my husband right away, my adult children only when I knew the predicted stage. Everyone else I just told I had gynae problems and was having a hysterectomy. I only told everyone else that I’d had cancer after I’d had all my treatment.