Feeling let down

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  • 86 subscribers

Hi , even though I’m now in the system and everyone on here and the gynae/oncology team are fantastic and supportive, I can’t shake off my anger and frustration of the decision that my GP made in July last year if not referring me for a scan when I first presented with post menopausal bleeding. After 3 emails and a formal letter of complaint, I have finally got the answer through a meeting with my doctor and a letter from the practice manager and gp. Even though I clearly stated I wanted a scan and the doctor recorded this and told me she would arrange an urgent scan, she subsequently changed her mind and didn’t refer. She has apologised for not letting me know her decision and regrets any distress caused. Her reasons were that my bleeding was minor spotting, I’d previously had a mirena coil fitted which reduces the risk of cancer and my previous smear test was negative. She has written this all down in a letter to me. My problem is I can’t separate the fact that my diagnosis of cancer was delayed by 5 months and my constant fear of spreading especially as my bleeding is getting heavier and surgery isn’t till 21st February. Im seeing the team on Wednesday for a pre op check and a general chat so hopefully I’ll get some reassurance from them. I know this is a lengthy post but this is for me the safest place I know .

  • Hi Royalcb, I do feel for you and it must be very frustrating and upsetting. It seems to indicate some ignorance on her part as any post-menopausal spotting, however light, should be investigated on a 2 week pathway. The negative smear test is not even relevant as that checks the underside of the cervix not the endometrium or even the top side of the cervix. Just to say that the pre op check is typically done by general nurses not your gynae team so, unless you have a consultant appointment afterwards as well, it’s not likely that you’ll be able to ask any specific questions relating to your cancer. I’m sorry I can’t remember - are you in touch already with your CNS Nurses? They’d be best placed to give you reassurance and support. You could also consider making a formal complaint to your local health authority re your GP. 

  • Hi MarmiteFan59, yes I’ve spoken to my CNS nurses and even though I wouldn’t expect them to make any judgement, they did say that any woman over 51 who presents with unusual post menopausal bleeding should automatically be referred for scan/gynaecology referral. I’m meeting with them tomorrow at the hospital and I will talk about it with them. It’s just so frustrating and I know we can’t turn back time but I really feel the gp has been careless in my treatment 

    thank you for listening 

  • I had similar 4 years ago..small amount of PMB, went to see female GP,she took a swab as thought it might be thrush, all came back negative, treated for thrush and said she’d refer me for a scan..I explained I was post menopausal..scan showed thickened womb lining of approx 7.6mm…I then got a letter to attend gynae clinic in like 6 weeks time..this was just before we were due to fly to USA and I had the problem of insurance covering me for undiagnosed condition…I rang surgery and said I should be on the 2 week fast track and they said the GP isn’t concerned! I demeaned I be referred as set out under NHS guidelines..then got an appointment through which was subsequently cancelled because the hospital couldn’t deal with fatties like me! Eventually went for biopsy, clear…then hysteroscopy to make sure all looked ok, polyps found, couldn’t remove in clinic as one was in a difficult place, went back again (after my holiday, insurance covered me) for hysteroscopy under a general, polyps removed, D&C…biopsies on all three polyps were clear and I carried on my merry way…2 weeks ago another small amount of PMB, self referral form completed online for Gp

    This time internal scan within 3 days last Thursday and have an appointment at hysteroscopy clinic tomorrow which I’m really worried about, I think I I used up all my luck last time…the sonographer who did my scan last week was not very forthcoming but I did ask if things looked ok, she said thickened lining, approx 8mm so not much different to last time…

    ive been super stressed since this started up again and quite frankly I’m terrified…

  • It’s really worrying how PMB isn’t taken seriously enough by some GPS, all advice says should be routinely referred to gynae and pelvic scan to rule out anything serious. I hope everything goes smoothly for you tomorrow with your hysteroscopy and it’s not too long before you get the results 

    sending best wishes 

  • I was more surprised by the fact the GP was quite obviously post menopausal and should have known better..I’ve refused to see her since!