My mam

  • 4 replies
  • 86 subscribers

Hi , 

My mam is 88 and was told her blood tests Marker cb125 showed very high she has to have an internal examination in two weeks the gp told me she possibly has Entromedtrial womb cancer.

She is confused and doesn't want this procedure as she said it hurt her what do you think.

  • Hi Domino2016, id suggest you try and find out exactly what they are wanting to do. If it’s a hysteroscopy she can opt to have it done under general anaesthetic as a day patient. That’s how I had mine done.

  • She's  88 she can't  have that her heart won't  stand that.

  • If she has a heart problem, then they will know that from her notes and there may be other things they can do to make it less uncomfortable for her. If not, and you’re concerned simply because of her age, I’d suggest taking to them about it. I’d suggest you go with her to her appointment, if she’s happy with that, and then you can raise any concerns you may have. As long as she gives them consent for you to talk with them about her, you can be involved in talks about her care. 

  • Hi Domino,

    I would be led by the surgical team on this dilemma.  I know you want the best for your mam but there are informed consent issues because she is confused. It also depends if your mam is fit enough for an anaesthetic and surgery. I would wait and take advice from them as they will want what's best and safest for her at this time in her life.

    Hope you get some answers soon,

    A x