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 I am 62years and  I had a hysteroscopy just before Christmas as I had had some bleeding during the 3 months I tried HRT. The bleeding stopped happening when I stopped the HRT and I felt as well as I ever do. It was a curveball when I was given the results on the (never to be forgotten date) 3rd January. I have Grade 3  endometroid endometrial adenocarcinoma. It is all surreal as I feel no different this month than I did last month. I have had a CT scan andam waiting to be discussed by the MDT at the Regional Cancer Centre next Monday (23rd). 

My gynaecologist has indicated that I will have a hysterectomy and adjunct radiotherapy. Other than that I know nothing. I am trying to be positive and upbeat but can't help catastrophising and expecting the worst.

Can anyone out there remind me that I'm not alone, I'm not the first and I won't be the last to be in this situation? 


  • Hello Roxiexsam and welcome to the group where I'm sure you'll get plenty of support from the other ladies on here, as well as myself. I was exactly in your shoes this time last year, if you like you can click on my username and read my bio. I too had Grade 3 Serous cancer of the womb, I consider myself very lucky in that it was caught early. I am trying to give you some hope and you will find many ladies have been cured with this, some not cured but managed and treated, yes it is possible with today's treatments and our wonderful NHS. You don't say what stage you are but when you've had your hysterectomy and received the histology results that will determine the way forward for yourself. Everyone is different and hospitals treat these cancer type differently. I had chemotherapy and Brachytherapy, other hospitals do radiotherapy and chemo. It just depends, generally, the MDT will plan your treatment based on your specific details. You are not alone, and everything you are going through, some of us have been there, others are where you are, and some are at the very beginning but we've all been out on this journey and hope to support each other through this forum. Please ask anything if you wish. Take care xx

  • Hi Roxiexsam, forgot to mention that you may find this useful, one of our members did a hysterectomy diary, here is the link. 


  • I want to Thankyou. Although I know I’m not alone, to hear you tell me you’ve been there is incredibly comforting. 

  • Hi Rosiexam 

    So sorry to hear you find yourself in this group, but welcome. There are a lot of ladies here who were also diagnosed with a Grade 3 adenocarcinoma. You will find a lot of support and helpful advise here.

    I was diagnosed Stage 3c1, grade 3 last year and had surgery, chemo and radiotherapy. There are a lot of informative articles on the Macmillan or the cancer research website regarding the radiotherapy treatment your Consultant has suggested post hysterectomy.

    Take care. Can xx

  • https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/cancer-chat/thread/grade-3-stage-3-serous-endometrial-cancer.

    Hi Can  if you click on the link above you can read a similar situation and this lady is doing well after few years, this is such good news! Take care xx

  • Hi Roxiexsam,

    Welcome to the group, you'll find lots of support and advice here.

    I have the same type of cancer but mine has a squamous cell element. Please read my story by clicking on my username. I can't fudge it and say I'm cured and everything's dandy but I've had successful treatment and I'm still here. My treatment plan changed as time went along and it took a while to be staged properly. Before I was diagnosed I had bleeding and sometimes intense pain.

    As Mad says, everyone is slightly different so don't compare. All the best for your treatment, keep in touch and let us know how you are getting on. You are definitely not on your own.

    A x

  • Hi    I was diagnosed with Grade 2 Endometrioid Adenocarcinoma in 2015.  After hysterectomy it was confirmed as Stage 1a Grade 2 with LVSI and I was advised to have a course of external radiotherapy, followed by brachytherapy,  Recovery was uneventful and I had checkups for 5 years before being discharged in November 2020.  I'm still fine  - any problems are down to my increasing age (85) and decreasing mobility!  Upto my diagnosis  I had no idea that there were different types of womb cancer and I was relieved to learn that Endometrioid Adenocarcinoma generally responds well to treatment.   I hope you hear good news after the MDT meeting.



    (Class of 2015!)

  • Hi Rosiexsam, welcome to the group. I recently joined as like you I had my hysteroscopy on the 15th December and in the new year was told that I had endometrial cancer. It’s been a rollercoaster ride of emotions and hard to process but I have found everyone here so supportive and friendly and for the first time didn’t feel alone, so you are not alone and please keep visiting here because for me it’s been my safe place simply because I know everyone here knows what it feels like. I had my ct scan and have seen my gynaecologist this week and having pre op assessment next week and meeting the gynaecologist/ oncologist nurse on the 1st February so everything is moving along but I’m constantly in need of reassurance so here I am. At the hospital I’m under they have a MacMillan team attached to the unit and they are a great resource to call upon. Might be worth checking if your hospital has something similar? 
    You are not alone and I’m thinking of you 

  • Hi Rosiexsam 

    like you I had my hysteroscopy before Christmas and received my cancer diagnosis last week (feels longer). Mine is Grade 1 though Stage 3a. Being assessed for a hysterectomy as there are other factors to be considered.

    I have only been here a few weeks and can confirm that there is plenty of support and not alone by any means, 

    it can be difficult to come to terms with as like you I feel no different than I did before all the tests began. We are in good hands.

  • There seems to be a few of us with recent hysteroscopies and diagnosis.

    agree about checking out to see if there is a Macmillan team. My hospital has one and chatting to my assigned nurse helped to set my mind to rest.