Just had result that I have recurring cancer

  • 8 replies
  • 88 subscribers

Six months after hysterectomy my cancer has returned and I have been offered chemo

  • Hi   So sorry to hear that.  I myself didn't have chemo (I had radiotherapy for LVSI) but I am sure someone will be along  soon who can help you with any questions.  You will get plenty of support here from the ladies.  I hope all goes well for you.

    Hugs, Lesley x

  • Hi  I'm really sorry to hear that, it's the news we all dread to hear. I recurred about 10 months after my hysterectomy. Click on my bio to read my story. I had chemo and am currently on immunotherapy which across the board is giving good results. 

    It's a good idea to fill in your bio then others know what to ask you and find out about you.

    You're not alone so share your worries with us, we're all here for you

    Hugs, Barb xx

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    "Never lose hope. Storms make people stronger and never last forever” - Roy T Bennett

  • Hi Marander,

    Sorry to hear this, 6 months is no time at all. I had chemo after it was found I was stage 4. I also had radio, only 5 sessions but it was alongside chemo so I didn't know which symptoms were from which as it was only 2nd cycle. Chemo was not great but I would have it again. Have a look online for Understanding chemotherapy - on the Macmillan site. It will give you an idea of what to expect. Best wishes for your treatment,

    A x

  • Bless you, Marandwr. It’s rubbish, isn’t it? Mine came back recently after nearly 4 years. I thought I had escaped.

    well, I started Chemo 2 weeks and honestly it’s nowhere near as bad as I expected. They look after you so we’ll and explain everything. The first 2-3 days felt like a really awful hangover. I had the runs a few times and the fatigue was ridiculous. I slept 16 hours a day. But the first 24 hours couldn’t sleep because of the steroids. It feels weird.

    my main side effects have been fatigue; joint pains; numbness in hands and feet (which is getting better now); changes in taste and smaller appetite. I can’t eat chocolate- it tastes hairy! Don’t like cake - but cheese tastes glorious and I constantly crave fried eggs!

    today - 2 weeks on, I’ve been out to lunch with a friend. Feels really good. Pain from my cancer (it’s in my abdomen lining) is markedly reduced and I feel much more hopeful. It feels as if it’s doing some good. Oh sorry - my hair was falling out so I shaved it off. I love wearing turbans so am having great fun experimenting with scarf tying. 

    Hope things go well for you. Ask lots of questions and enjoy something lovely every day. 

    Bkessings XX

  • Glad to hear you can feel improvement already, good sign. Hope your sisters looked after you well xx

  • Thank you for sharing your story - how difficult it has been for you - so kind of you to be a community champion too and such a help to others making this journey. You got in touch with me when I posted about my CT scan. I am now in that limbo stage of waiting to find out what happens next. My doctor has referred me on to lung specialists. I had Stage 2, Grade 3 endometrial cancer and had lots of adjuvant treatment ( radio and chemo, brachytherapy and more chemo). I have also been doing my best to keep fit in terms of diet and exercise. I don’t know for sure that the problem in my lung is cancer but I suspect it is. So hard to keep positive but thank you again for your input

  • Thank you for your hugs 

  • 3 years free of breast cancer 1 year free of womb cancer I thought I had escaped but no I shall have to engage in the fight to beat it again and I will . I hope you are enjoying your cheese and eggs and I am glad the pain is reduced hugs x