Just been diagnosed womb cancer!

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  • 87 subscribers

Have just been diagnosed with womb cancer after beating cancer in my left breast in 2007 and then my right breast in 2009, I’m heartbroken and just trying to get over the shock, I’ve had a biopsy Ct and MRI scan in the past 2 weeks I’ve been told the cancer has been staged at 1A my consultant said this is good news although my cancer is rare and considered aggressive it’s call serous, I’m waiting to hear  about my total hysterectomy now, which is something I’m not worried about it’s the results afterwards and the fact I more than likely will have chemo, I did not react well at all last time, has anyone had serous and not had chemo on the forum, thankyou for allowing me to join just reading through some of the posts on here I can see what a supportive site this is.

  • Hello Holly1978 

    So sorry you are having to face yet another cancer, it's devastating to find yourself back to where you thought was over and done with.

    Around This time last year I was awaiting my hysterectomy after being told they found Serous cancer in a polyp within the uterus. I too thankfully was stage 1a, so caught early. I was given option to have chemo as all other lymph nodes, omentum tubes ovaries were clear. I opted to have chemo but kept having allergic reactions to the Paclitaxel ( Regimen=6 x 21 day cycles of Paclitaxel and Carboplatin)so j just had Carboplatin for final 3 cycles. Also had 3xbrachytherapy after chemo. I'm really lucky I haven't had many bad side effects but am left with sore dry eyes. I managed to work my admin job from home throughout the treatments but I must say, my employers were very sympathetic and accommodating and there was no pressure. I am back working at the office and leading a life as before the cancer. I feel well and people tell me I look well.

    I'm here if you need to chat but wish you the best going forward. X

  • Thankyou for the reply, its great to hear you are so well, gives me hope, I think  it’s just starting to sink in that if I want to give myself the best chance and if chemo is offered I just have to do it. I’ve just had a call for my appointment in a few days to talk about the operation, I’m extremely nervous but I also recognise that this is moving quickly and that can only be a good thing x

  • Hi, it’s good to hear that you have your appointment to discuss surgery, I have my appointment tomorrow to discuss surgery and like you everything seems to be moving quickly although at times not quickly enough but I think it’s normal to feel that way, best wishes x

  • Good luck today, you may want to write down questions as if anything like me, I forget to ask as I process what's been said! X

  • Good luck today will keep everything crossed for you x

  • Hi Holly

    i too had Serous. I had just got my head round having cancer then had to deal with the facts of this rare and aggressive monster. I was 1b and was not offered Chemo. There is not much evidence that it does any good in serous cases anyway, at stage 1. I was glad not to have it. I had 4 years of freedom from worry then it recurred last year. It’s in my abdomen and lungs. I’m so angry about it, really, as I thought I’d got away with it. But hey ho, we press on.

    I started Chemo 2 weeks ago - Paclitaxel and Carboplatin- it’s going well. Certainly the awful pain I had is reducing. The side effects are very manageable. My hair was falling out so I shaved it off and am having great fun with scarves. I am embracing new looks. The sickness is fine - they prescribe so much stuff it’s fabulous- joint pain is bad and numbness in feet and hands, but honestly not much more than that. It’s the fatigue that I find the worst, but I’m not working so I just sleep when I feel like it. 

    you’re going to be ok. This is a good forum and everyone supports each other. Take cafe

     Bev xx

  • GreenCliffLady thankyou, reading the posts and profiles are certainly helping few tears also, you seem positive and that can only be a good thing, good news that my mammogram is clear no recurrence there and I have a date for my pre op at the Christie next week, looking at surgery on the 30th all being well, starting to get backache now which worry’s me, obviously first thing I think is it spreading, so I’m sure as you know I have to fight these feelings of doom daily, good luck to you in your treatment I understand why your so angry, I to thought I had got away with it after all these years free of breast cancer.

  • Hi, apologies for jumping in on this thread, my wife had breast cancer in 2014 taken tamoxifen since then which I now know raises tye risk of womb cancer. In November she suffered a massive vaginal bleed which did subside but never completely stopped.  after tests she underwent a total hysterectomy just over a week ago.  We are awaiting the results from the tissue samples, however since the bleed she has had a very chesty cough especially in the mornings which I feel is getting worse.  My obvious concern is that it’s possible that any womb cancer has already spread to her lungs.  I picked up you have it in the lungs, How did you notice the symptoms I for this?

    I am worried sick.

    thanks Alan