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Hi my first time too. I joined, durung the night, saw your post, of another just heard person,  and replies and support,  and decided to share a little, so thank you for that. 

Similar to you had biopsy results yesterday, 5th,  and heard endometrium cancer. Ive had mri and chest xray but results wernt ready for yesterdays apt. So just know grade 1. But no staging etc.

I was told  full hysterectomy , but to wait for mri results to know if lymph etc too. 

My husband was with me, thank goodness, and although i guess id thought it could be likely, 53, perimenipausal, PCOS, endometritus, overweight. Nothing can prepare you for that news hey.

To say im scared is understatement, they were lovely and gave me time etc but cant give me next answers.  Nurse sais i can ring in each day, see if mri results are back, and she will tell me. But Mdt next Thursday for actual plan. 

Im  sure naturally my head is spinning, and going to worse case scenario, not my usual stance.  Not slept much over last 2 weeks waiting, and feel sick with worry. 

I know can't do anything without results and mdt planning, 

Thank you all for the alreasy feel of support.

Hope everyone keeps well. This such a different  feel fir me. As im usually the one sorting everyone, in control.  Busy professional life, to feeling like being anywhere but in bed, next to husband is beyond me at the mo. Hope i haven't overstepped any boundaries.  This is my first time sharing anything ever. Thank you x

  • Hi Twinkley, I just replied to your post on Jules’ thread, but would like to welcome you again here in on your own one!

    I can remember the feeling of my brain trying not to think about it all the time even though it was always there in my head. For me what helped was a gradual ability that formed whereby I only consciously thought about and focussed on it for a particular few hours each day, usually the evening. Banning myself from using Dr Google also helped. Hope your preliminary staging results come through soon and then your op date. Before that you will get a pre op assessment date too. If you’d like to read my story, click on my name and when you have a moment you could also type your own profile details which you can edit and update any time. Feel free to ask any questions that pop into your head. During my diagnosis, op and then treatment this group was a great help to me both on the group and by private message. 

  • Hi Twinkley,

    Welcome to the group. All the ladies are lovely and are very helpful and supportive. I am the same age as you and was diagnosed this time last year. I also had a busy professional life and I now recognise that I put it before my health. I was used to putting other people before myself and that's not always a healthy way to live. I just want to point out that you take priority now in order to get well. I hope you get results and a plan soon. Best wishes going forward.

    A x

  • Thank you. And ive booked time off. I agree in professional life can be easy to get on, and continue to help others and at times step back a little.  So your reminder is welcome.  And already know i need to alter this for me. 

    Thank you all r

  • Thank you. Wise words.  And im trying.  Maybe once i have plan ill feel more able to practise this more x support welcomed. Thanks x

  • Welcome Twinkley. Glad you found us. We are here and will support you all the way. There are many ladies with different stages and types of endometrial cancer and there's likely to be one or two the same as yourself, so we can all help each other through this maze and come out the other side feeling less alone and stronger. Wishing you well xx

  • Thank you. Really feel welcomed.  And akready finding the support. Like others the fear and dread on wait is horrid. But the what iffs have taken over.. my usually very clear, sensible thinking has gone. 

    You are all amazing, im sure not been or is  easy but so glad to hear you are have weller good times too. Im stuck at mo with me never being ok ever again.. 

    Dont want to be a negative nelly! And thank you for messages. It means so much x

  • Hi Twinkley. Any cancer, even just the word is very scary, I thought of cancer as a death sentence, but you said you have a Grade 1 and to me that is the least aggressive, so look at this as a positive, it still needs to be confirmed by histology after hysterectomy but hopefully the type you have should cure you after the operation and many can go on to normal life again without the need for any other treatment. Hold onto this thought, but you can share your fears about it as we understand, the rollercoaster of emotions is more or less the same for everyone and yes the waiting is the hardest. Please read my bio by clicking on my username if it helps you to feel less alone. Take care xx

  • Thank you so much. Yes grade 1. But no staging yet. Mri results this week and mdt meet on Thursday. Then ill know what and when. Stories and support great help. Thank you. Just need to clear head fuzz.. x

  • Thinking of you as you wait for Thursday. You should be given the predicted staging (remember the actual staging isn’t fully known till after the hysterectomy) and either an estimation of the op date or possibly an actual date. I wasn’t given my actual date till about 3 weeks after pre op assessment.