Biopsy results today

  • 15 replies
  • 89 subscribers

Hi, I’m new here and wanted to say hello. I recently had a hysteroscopy and polyp removal and received results back today and it is cancerous. Still processing it but I’ve been told that the next step is a CT scan and then mdt meeting to discuss action plan. The macmillan support team were really helpful and lovely and I was wondering about the recovery process following a hysterectomy . Thank you for listening 

  • Hi Royalcb and welcome to the group! I really feel for you as I still remember all too clearly when I was told the same sort of news back in November 2021. It’s a bit of a rollercoaster ride, and it can be a daily challenge to get on top of the anxiety, let things settle, move forward and get on with life. It can also be stressful deciding what to say and to whom, and to cope with reactions of loved ones, I had a hysteroscopy and polyp removal and got the news by phone that I had cancer. I had my MRI following week (some hospitals do MRI, some do CT and some even do both) for the preliminary staging, also a chest x Ray, and got the results of that 3 days later (I was extremely lucky to get them back that quickly). I’m really glad that you’ve already been put in touch with your CNS. I phoned mine the day until was diagnosed and probably 2-3 times a week after that. I had my hysterectomy on the 22nd January 2022 and did really well with my recovery and would be happy to try and answer any questions you may have. I also did a hysterectomy diary thread on here and could share a link for you if you like? 

  • Thank you so much for your reply, it’s really helpful and very encouraging. I’m so pleased you have done so well and that gives me strength. I would love for you to share your diary link. Thank you Pray much Pray

  • Hi again, here’s the link for you. Also, if you click on my name, you should find my profile. If you have a moment, you could write your own profile too so that people can know a bit more about you!

  • Thank you again Marmite, I’m just finding my way around here so all tips and suggestions gratefully appreciated and I will definitely write my profile! 

  • Hello Royalcb and welcome, you will find we're a friendly bunch of members who are just diagnosed or few years down the line but all eager to encourage and help with any uncertainty you may have! 

    I myself, was found in December 2021 to have a womb lining of 19mm thick and a large polyp. Biopsies were taken from both and just polyp turned out to be cancerous, in fact it was one of the worst womb cancers, High Grade Serous, but I had hysterectomy and treatment and l managed to work from home from six weeks after sick leave following hysterectomy, but I'm not trying to be heroic about this, I count myself one of the lucky ones I guess. But I'm glad I can say this is behind me now and am back to a somewhat 'normal' life similar to pre diagnosis. It's not an easy journey but you are on the train now and you just need to ride it out, we will help you along the way, look at us like friendly passengers, (Lol!).

    Like Marmitefan59 has advised, I found her diary very helpful and took on board tips and suggestions.

    I'm sure there will be more replies but wish you well and hope the results come back soon with a plan of action. Please click on my name or any member for my or their bio if it helps you.You can add yours by clicking on your name and then click on edit profile, you can keep editing it as you wish or as you get further on with updates etc.

    Take care xx

  • Hi mad, thank you for your reply, I’m feeling so encouraged by being here and reading all the comments and advice and for the first time in 3 weeks since my biopsy and waiting for results I don’t feel alone. I told my family last night and they are all being brilliant and helpful. I’m now waiting for CT scan which hopefully will be within a couple of weeks. I’ve read marmites diary and it made me smile and now I feel I want to just get on with treatment. Thank you again and take care of yourself and I will post updates.


  • Hi, my first time too. I joined, durung the night, saw your post, and relies and support,  and decided to share a little, so thank you for that. 

    Similar to you had biopsy results yesterday, 5th,  and heard endometrium cancer. Ive had mri and chest xray but results wernt ready for yesterdays apt. So just know grade 1. But no staging etc.

    I was told  full hysterectomy , but to wait for mri results to know if lymph etc too. 

    My husband was with me, thank goodness, and although i guess id thought it could be likely, 53, perimenipausal, PCOS, endometritus, overweight. Nothing can prepare you for that news hey.

    To say im scared is understatement, they were lovely and gave me time etc but cant give me next answers.  Nurse sais i can ring in each day, see if mri results are back, and she will tell me. But Mdt next Thursday for actual plan. 

    Im  sure naturally my head is spinning, and going to worse case scenario, not my usual stance.  Not slept much over last 2 weeks waiting, and feel sick with worry. 

    I know can't do anything without results and mdt planning, 

    Thank you all for the alreasy feel of support.

    Hope everyone keeps well. This such a different  feel fir me. As im usually the one sorting everyone, in control.  Busy professional life, to feeling like being anywhere but in bed, next to husband is beyond me at the mo. Hope i haven't overstepped any boundaries.  This is my first time sharing anything ever. Thank you x

  • Hi and welcome, the best thing I found so far was joining this group as I was feeling helpless and not in control so it’s always reassuring to know that others are feeling the same and can relate. I think the hardest part for me so far is what seems like endless waiting for the next steps even though I know it’s important for the team to get all the relevant information first but it’s so frustrating. If you’re like me I go from feeling positive to feeling so down really quickly but reading advice and lovely words on here are helping me to stay fairly grounded and focused. Take care and stay in touch as we seem to be starting our journey together xx

  • Thank you so much. Glad you have dates at least.  Yes the waiting is horrid.  It makes me fear even worse news. If thar was posdible. Ive rang cns this morning, left a message.  I dont think illl get mri results today, but she did say i could ring everyday if I wanted to. But its answer phone, and know they busy in clinic too. But thanks for support on here too. Give my husband a break from me crying and repeating my worries, again! 

    Hope you can feel support, and i can offer too. At mo.. i feel bit beyond the world as i know it. Very very different place. Usually id be first supporting, helping etc. And my job similarly. But i feel this warm support here already x

  • Hi Twinkley, welcome to you too and well done for posting. Well done too for phoning your CNS - as mine said to me, it’s what they’re there for and they’d far rather we called than left it till we were in full meltdown. Mine very quickly learned to recognise my voice. I also phoned the Macmillan Support line a few times as they’re open 7 days a week 8am-8pm whereas my CNS work 10-4 Monday to Friday. It may also be worth asking your CNS for their email address - I used that occasionally for times when I needed to send a photo or had a more general question. I’ve now replied to your own new post too!