New To The Group - Anyone had brachytherapy?

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  • 86 subscribers

Evening Everyone, I've joined the site tonight.  Bit late to the 'party' really as I am now 5 weeks post op after having a Total Hysterectomy after being diagnosed with Womb Cancer - Stage 1A / Grade 3/.  I'm off to meet my oncologist tomorrow to discuss adjuvant care, in my case brachytherapy.  Anyone had brachytherapy and if so how did it go?  Side affects? Anything really to know what to expect.  Thanks In Advance.  

  • I just posted to you on your post in another thread but once again welcome! I’ve had brachytherapy as part of my treatment - 2 sessions - and it was honestly a breeze. Are you being offered any other treatment as well? Please feel free to ask any questions at all about brachy - you may also find some other posts on the group about brachy, including in the pinned post for Radiotherapy/Brachytherapy in the Diagnosis & Treatment section of the group.

  •   and  are two of our grade 3 ladies who have both finished their treatments and have also both had brachy too,

  • Hi .... thanks again.  The hospital said my oncologist would explain everything, don't suppose she wanted to go into it too much, time restraints and having my oncologist repeat it.  But the wait in the middle of both appointments has left me going to Dr Google, which I know isn't the best and then thought of coming to this site, don't know why I didn't think of it earlier, probably the reality of it all being too real I suppose. I have a list of concerns ;-).    These are in no particular order .... Fatigue; bowel problems, nausea; whether its going to be put in place under a general; checked by an MRI; is it painful, how long did each session last; how far apart were the sessions. I was surprised when I was informed the MDT had decided on brachy, as a friend same diagnosis is currently having chemo, not that I wanted it ... but worried chemo is the better treatment.  I don't really know how to navigate the site, but I'm sure with use, it will all drop into place ie you mentioning pinned posts etc.  Thanks again 

  • Hi again RollOn2023, first thing: don’t use Dr Google, he/she should be struck off! First of all, I’d recommend you ask the oncologist tomorrow if chemo might be an option for you as well. Now to brachy - I had a mini CT first so they could get my measurements and to fit me with the correct size applicator. The nurse was gentle, used lube, and the insertion of the applicator felt rather like a tampon, not uncomfortable at all. Some hospitals do that and then do the first brachytherapy straight after, some do the first brachy at a separate appointment (that’s what my hospital did). I had two treatments a week apart, each brachy session took about 20 mins, with the actual brachy treatment lasting just 6 minutes - 2 songs on the playlist! The treatment wasn’t uncomfortable or painful for me. A slight warmth when weeing for a day or two after, but no other notable side effects. 

  • Thanks for the update, yes Dr Google was my first option .... I'll now come to this site.  I've sent a 'connect' link to Madesp and Robin27 and have read both of their journeys.  Once again both have had chemo, like yourself, so don't really understand why I'm just having the Brachytherapy, as yous ay I will ask the oncologist tomorrow for an explanation.   What you have said is very reassuring.  I suffer from vaginal atrophy so have worries about the insertion of anything.  All sounds very quick and quite painless, hopefully my experience is similar.  Don't think I'll get much sleep tonight, but knowledge is power and I believe this forum is going to be very useful.  

  • Hi again, I haven’t had chemo - I had 25 x radiotherapy and 2 x brachy as I was grade 1 stage 2. But Madesp and Robin did. I’m sure one of them will be along soon and there’s other grade 3 ladies too! 

  • Hello Roll on 2023

    Welcome to this Group that none wanted to join but now we're here we are so glad to have the support and real first hand experience that we can share and help each other. 

    I am same as you as this time last year I was diagnosed with Grade 3 Stage 1A Serous(although didn't find out the Serous Grade 3 until January 2022).

    My understanding was that Serous brings with it treatment of Chemotherapy and Brachytherapy but at my first Oncologist appointment it was discussed that it would be my choice whether to have the chemo but they did recommend the 3 treatments of high dose brachytherapy. You ask about the Brachytherapy but if you type it into the search bar you will find many posts of other members experience of it, for me it was nothing to fear. On my first appointment after about six weeks I had finished Chemo they measured me for the correct size applicator which didn't hurt as they were very gentle and used plenty of lubricant! They log it all into the computer and left the room, you lie still for about 6 minutes and then the nurses come back detach the application from the radiotherapy machine and you clean up and go home. I felt no different afterwards and had no pain, no bowel or bladder problems. I had three treatments and it was one each week. All the appointments were booked ahead at the same day each week and after about two weeks when treatments all done we booked a much needed holiday abroad. You can find a short video on YOUTUBE if this helps.

    For me it was easy least and I have no issues at all........

    I have Accepted your friend request and am happy to help answer any questions you may have. You can click on my username and read my bio to help you if you wish. I count myself 'lucky' in that (although it's Serous high grade) mine was caught very early, like you I reported the bleed straightaway and was seen very quickly. My cancer was within the polyp and had not spread anywhere else.

    Take care 

  • I had my first brachytherapy session today and it was fine. My next one is on Thursday with two more sessions next week. I felt a bit nervous to begin with but the staff were so kind and took the trouble to explain everything that was going to happen. It took probably about an hour today because it was the first session and also involved a CT scan. I’m told the remaining sessions will be much quicker. Certainly a breeze compared with the 6 sessions of chemo I had! Hope this is helpful.

  • Glad it went well Gorleston Girl! My hospital does the CT on its own first at a separate appointment - different hospitals do things differently.

  • Thanks MarmiteFan59,  I had an internal during the appointment, no CT and she said I would be having something similar to a tampon inserted, like you probably lasting about 6 mins, I have two in the first week (3 January) and one the week after.  Yes Dr Google was giving me anxiety ... although I know everyone can react differently, in the main there hasn't been an awful lot of reactions, so fingers crossed.  I mentioned while I was there that I'd been having some pain when having a 'wee', she asked me to provide a sample.  I received a call from The Christie yesterday, confirming I'd got an infection.  Now started a 3 day course of antibiotics, should have gone to the GP earlier, so I've had water infection for 6 weeks, doh, onwards and upwards.  Got to learn to listen to my body.  Thank you for the reply M