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I was given a diagnosis of endometrial cancer 2 days ago, and I'm having a hysterectomy next Monday. It's undifferentiated and grade 3 - still learning what this means. I was supposed to have already been told when I saw my consultant,  but for some reason this didn't happen. And Macmillan were unable to attend. So I had come in on my own, and was told on my own. It was only because I was crying when I came out that a lovely nurse scooped me up! She arranged for a pre-op which hadn't been mentioned. And I have only found out by chance about the fasting diet which should start tomorrow. I'm a carer for my husband, expecting first grandchild next year, very scared, shocked and overwhelmed. I'm very lucky that I've never really been seriously ill before. So that's my splurge! Love to anyone else going through similar.

  • Hi Eowyn,

    Sorry to hear your news but a warm welcome to the group. I understand how you feel as I was told I had cancer on my own as well. If you weren't given a booklet you can access Understanding endometrial Cancer online on the Macmillan site. This was very useful to me and it's easy to understand.

    Have you anything in place for care for your husband while you are in hospital and after your op as you're not supposed to lift anything while you're healing. Your Macmillan clinical nurse specialist might be able to arrange help.

    Best wishes for your surgery,

    A x

  • Thank you for replying sistermoon and for yourgood wishes. I will find the booklet.

    I've been busy getting help in for husband - fortunately he is still mobile around the house. I will definitely be very strict with myself about lifting etc. It's lovely to feel less on my own via this group Slight smile

  • Hi Eowym, welcome to the group. I’m sorry that you found out in such an unhelpful way - definitely doesn’t help! I’ve not heard of having to do a pre-hysterectomy fasting diet before, though I did decide of my own accord to eat a lighter diet on the two days before my surgery, and to have my main meal at lunchtime the day before my op, and then just soup and fruit in the evening, so that my bowel would be naturally quite clear on op day. Have you seen the thread on what to pack? community.macmillan.org.uk/.../1745300

  • Thank you for replying and for the thread on what to pack. It looks really useful. I would have done as you did, but have been asked to do 2 days low residue and final day clear fluids only. Supposed to be having laporoscopic hysterectomy but I'm wondering if he's thinking there might be more to do! Anyway, I shall make sure I'm as prepared as possible. 

  • Hi Eowyn and Marmite Fan , I was asked to do a bowel cleansing diet for three days prior to my op. I was only allowed clear liquids food like Consommé soup for the first two days along with some Senna tablets as mild laxative. Final day was only allowed jelly or ice cream. My consultant  advised me to have something on the morning before the op as he said “you’ll feel terrible if you don’t have anything”!  So it was jelly for breakfast! My op was at about 2 pm if I remember correctly, and was laparoscopic.  So as usual, different hospitals do different things for different people.  

    Good luck for your op, I recovered quickly from mine, it wasn’t too bad, but I did take things very carefully for the first few weeks, but waiting for results is the pits.


  • Hey Viv, it’s good to see you. That’s interesting to know - but looks like I did my own version but without the laxatives! Mine certainly seemed not concerned about laxatives pre op (or during treatment) but as you say different hospitals do things differently and we just have to go with the flow! I had to be in at 7.30am on my op day, with nothing to eat after the evening, but with special clear pre-op drinks - I had one that evening, and one first thing in the morning before I left for hospital at 6.30am.

  • Hi Viv Thank you for your encouraging words. I have to take Senna too - off to the chemist this morning! My op is early morning, so it will be bedtime jelly for me.