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Sailed through hysterectomy but on further examination including CT scan diagnosed with endometrial cancer. Have had the initial first round of paclitaxel and carboplatin chemo (two more to follow then scan) to assess! Just wondering whether the after effects of the first chemo (quite a few Sid effects but feeling not too bad today) will be any different after the second round. I take one day at a time and try not to be too negative.

  • Hi Klein,

    I had the same type of chemo. I think the side effects were the worst after 1st session but I think that's because I maybe didn't know what to expect. As I went through the cycles, it was all kind of similar. I found the later cycles were more taxing due to fatigue and the side effects started earlier and went on longer. But I would definitely say the first was the worst for me.

    Best wishes for your treatment,

    A x

  • Thanks for your input. Did u lose your hair?

  • Hi Klein I'm sorry that after the hysterectomy the cancer was found. I was supposed to have Chemo six cycles of Paclitaxel and Carboplatin but I only managed The Paclitaxel for the first three cycles due to allergic reactions. I can remember that it is the same side effects for each treatment but gladly it only lasted about a week then  gets better every day till next one. I was surprised how quickly the cycles came around and I finished the last Carboplatin in June this year.I am glad I have no long lasting bad effects due to the treatments just suffer sore dry eyes but this is getting better.

    I used the PAXMAN Cold Cap System at my hospital and lost some 50% of my hair but not bald. My hair is growing nice now but it's short.

    Do ask anything else you need to know xx

  • Hi, yes I lost all hair. I had my hair cut short and then when it started to hurt, which is a sign it's going to drop out, my husband sheared it to a buzz cut. I thought this would be less upsetting than long strands coming out and bald bits, which in a way it was. The thing I didn't like the most was when I lost eyebrows and eyelashes. It wasn't me, it was the cancer patient looking back at me in the mirror.....

    However, it sharp grows back and you will feel better than you do now.

    A x

  • Thank you all for your feedback and hope and pray that your treatments are successful.