Womb cancer

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  • 88 subscribers

Hiya all .joined here to hopefully get help from others in the same situation I was diagnosed in 2020 had a total hysterectomy radiotherapy bracnatherapy and chemotherapy was doing really well a few weeks ago had tummy pains had a CT scan and MRI scan and they were thinking I had Crohn's or diverticulitis unfortunately it's my cancer back in my omatum liver top of bladder and possibly my lung I'm waiting on having another CT scan to check my lung then got to have a kidney function test done then more chemo anyone in similar and how are you coping would love to hear from people in the same situation I'm trying to be positive but I'm really very scared look forward to making friends on here jill

  • Hi Jill,  Welcome to our special group of very supportive ladies. I don't know what I would have done without this forum. I'm really sorry to hear about your diagnosis. It must be so worrying for you. Hopefully you will get some answers from other people who have been through this. A big hug. Xx

  • Aww bless you yes hopefully someone will reply xx

  • Hello Cherished Teddy so sorry to hear you have recurrence and it's something we all dread on this group. I was Grade 3 Serous stage 1a. May I please ask what stage and grade you were when diagnosed or after hysterectomy?

  • Hiya thanks for the reply mine was a grade 3 and the consultant said it can come back quicker and that's never gone out my head he had seen something nasty on my overlies so thought it would be a stage 3 but when I went back for results was only a 1b but two years is not long when they were aiming for a cure but hey ho I've done it once I will do it again how are you doing xxxx Jill xx

  • Hello again, I'm doing well I've recently had a CT scan and blood tests and all results were good. 

    I am trying hard to stay positive and keep on thinking that I've got this! There are many ladies on here that have been doing very well after few years even, and I hope to be one of those but the reality of this type of cancer is that it has a mind of it's own! 

    I opted to have Chemo as it was miss and go whether I actually needed it or not? As they say my cancer was contained within the polyp so best to throw everything at it now than wish I had done it in first place, if you see what I mean?

    I'm sad that you have this recurrence as it seems you too have done everything to stop it coming back, can I ask what chemo you had and how many cycles? Were you ok with it, I did not cope well with the Paclitaxel and decided not to continue with both carbo Taxol  so just had Carboplatin for the final three cycles.  

    Just to add there are also some ladies who have recurrence and what they are doing or done on here who hopefully will be along to greet you. There are new drugs coming out all the time and trials so don't give up hope ever!


  • Hiya Hun thanks for the reply I had same two chemo as you I had six cycles and made me very ill I got bad pains in my leg just thought it was effect of the chemo then one day must been about week later a friend came who worked in a care home I was a bit breathless she said if you don't ring an ambulance I will so I did took me in had blood clot on my leg that went to my lung so was in ICU for 11 days was also diagnosed while in with neuropathic sepsis but came out and had to inject myself with blood thinners previous to my chemo I had 25 cycles of radiotherapy then I had 2 cycles of internal bracnatherapy while on the chemo my neutrophils kept going low so made me shake sweat go dizzy so I had to go in have magnesium transfusions took 6 hours one day another I think four had a few of them I now have permanent nerve damage in my feet neuropathy hope this helps you is your hospital giving you scans regular as my son asked this question other day the only follow up on my appointment is an internal and they ask if your bowels and bladder is ok have you had any bleeding well I haven't but my cancer is back I think they should do regular scans like your having people would feel more reasured xxxx love Jill xx

  • Hi Jill

    I'm really sad to hear that your Cancer is back. I was diagnosed earlier this year with grade3 serous but it was contained hence 1A. I too have had issues with Chemo like Madesp. I had 5 cycles due to all the infections and reactions. I recently finished my 3 Brachy cycles but unlike you I didn't have radiotherapy also.

    I agree with you about feeling more reassured if we could have more scans. My hospital don't give scans on check ups unless the patient complains about something bothering them. The reason I was told is that unessary radiation can cause leukemia,  I don't know if this is true. On my reasent check up I was told that the first 2 years are when it's most likely to come back if it's going to, hence why they will see my every 3 to 4 months for 2 years and then it will go to a questionnaire. and they will only see me if they don't like any of the answers I give.

    To be honest,  I think that there is a lot of variation on treatment and check ups depending on where in the country you live. It does worry me not having scans, although my lymph nodes were clear, cells were found in the perinatal wash.

    As Madesp said, try to stay strong, we are all behind you and I'm sure some other ladies who have also had their cancer come back will be along soon to share their experiences. They are always coming up with trials and new drugs so please keep your chin up. 

    Big hugs Robin xxx

  • Thankyou Robin for your reply cancer is always in your head once you've had it but everyone and everyone's cancer is different I'm staying positive and hopefully like everyone says there new drugs coming out all the time long may you continue to stay cancer free much love jillxxx

  • Bless you Jill, let us know how you get on with your CT scan.

    Hugs Robin xxx

  • Yes I went last Tuesday they said it could be three week k it's a waiting game and then I have got to have a kidney function test before I start my chemo again I'm hoping it starts before Christmas let's kick it's ass evil desese I lost my hubby in 2018 to cancer looked after him now I've got it xxx