Hi, I'm new.

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  • 87 subscribers

Helen 53

I was originally diagnosed with Early Stage Cancer of the Womb in

 July this year.

In August, following two CT Scans, this was upgraded to Stage 4 as it 

had spread to my lungs.

It is incurable but treatable.

I am now halfway through my chemo plan of six sessions.

I was very positive to begin with but I am really struggling now.

I spend most of my day in bed as I am too tired to do anything.

I am looking for advice on how to stay positive.

You can click on my profile to see more about my journey here.


  • Hi Helen,

    its so hard finding yourself in this situation, I’m also incurable but hopefully controllable.

    I know it’s difficult to remain positive but in the words of Lena Martell “one day at a time”

    it’s probably the chemo that’s making you so tired I know I spent days in bed when I was on it,

    all the ladies in this group are fantastic at supporting each other and if all the love and good wishes came true we’d all be cured .

    anyway just wanted to say you’re not alone although it’s a lonely place to be.

    sending you love and hugs

    Marilyn xxx

  • Hello Helen! 

    I'm so sorry for what you're going through but you've made a step in the right direction just by joining us. We are all very supportive and there's always someone who's been in your shoes. 

    I myself have had chemotherapy ( Paclitaxel and Carboplatin) I was supposed to have six but had to stop the Paclitaxel after three cycles and continue just with Carboplatin for the last three  due to a severe reaction to the Taxol. I too experienced fatigue and tummy cramps aching legs and dry sore eye issues. What you're feeling is normal for you but may be different for someone else on the same regime. The first week following the chemo was always the worst and gradually it did get better...... I made sure I ate well plenty of greens and fruits, had the occasional Guiness with main meals (for extra iron, LOL!)  I took most days a half hour walk in fresh air too. Think it all helped, but also I think I was trying to convince my family that I was okay with it all and tried to keep things normal to save them from more worry.  

    The positive thing now for you is you are halfway through and can look forward to the last one in January and maybe treat yourself to something nice, you deserve it! 

    You could approach your Chemo nurse and mention how tired you are they may precribe a supplement? 

    Hope this helps, you know the medics won't give up on you - they are expert at keeping us well as they can for as long as they can and that's all we can ask! 

    Please let us help you whenever you need us there is always someone around to respond. I'm sure once you're over the chemo you will feel better....take care xxx

  • Hi Helen, I'm so sorry to hear about your diagnosis. You have come to the right place. The ladies on this site are incredibly supportive and will get you through this difficult time. Stay strong and positive and take every day as it comes. Big hugs XX