2 week wait begins

  • 7 replies
  • 86 subscribers


I've just been told by my GP that my symptoms are probably endometrial cancer.  From Monday I'l be counting off the 2 week wait.  This time last year I had to tell my children that I have Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia - I can't believe this is happening again! My heads all over the place.

  • Oh , green, I’m sorry that you are having to go through this process again. It must me exhausting and worrying. I only joined this group n Thursday after finding out that I have endometrial cancer. Please contact me if you want to talk. X

  • Hi Green3322

     Welcome to the group, Iam sorry that you find yourself here with us but you have come to the right place for support and advice from the wonderful ladies on this site who I am sure will be along soon to share their experiences and answer any questions you may have. I personally don't know how I would have managed this year without them.

    I can understand why your head is all over the place after being told that you are on a 2ww. The waiting is the worst thing as you must  already know from what you have already been through bless you. Iam not going to say try not to worry because we all know that is virtually impossible. Just try to keep yourself busy and preoccupied if you can.

    May I ask why your GP thinks that you may have endometrial cancer before you have even been seen? There are ladies who join us on the site who's symptoms turn out to be benign polyps or fibroids etc. I truly hope that this will be the case for you too.

    We are all here for you Green3322 this is a safe place to chat or just vent.  If you click on any of our names you will be able to read about us and our stories so far.

    Big hugs Robin x

  • HI Robin27

    Thanks for your message.  

    My symptoms were post menopausal bleeding and unintentional weight loss.  My GP said enometrial cancer is the most common reason for those symptoms.  He's very straightforward with me probably because he knows I'm a nurse.Worried

  • Thanks.  How are you feeling?  Are you having surgery soon?

  • Bless you Green3322 I really hope that he is wrong on this occasion. I personally prefer to know as much as possible and like straight talking maybe that's my NHS background too. 

    I hope that you don't have to wait too long for your appointment and results my lovely. We are here for you.

    Hugs Robin x

  • Thanks Robin.  Unfortunately my work involves supporting cancer patients and I'm not sure how I'm going to be tomorrow when I get there!  And I'm annoyed too that it is happening now because we're due to go on a cruise in January - first big holiday for many years.Angry

  • Oh my goodness I'm really sad to hear that. Let's hope everything is okay and you still get to go away. 

    You must be a very special lady to do that job, I hope that you find the same support from those around you as you have provided for others. Stay strong and let us know how it goes. Thinking of you.

    Hugs Robin x