PET scan

  • 12 replies
  • 88 subscribers

I have just heard this morning that I now need a PET scan. I have had an MRI a couple of weeks ago and a CT on Tuesday. I have been told that there are a couple of small nodules in the abdomen they want to investigate further. This somewhat rattled me as I was hoping the call would be to give me a date for surgery, now I don't know what to think. Has anyone else had this?

  • Hi Astra1, bless you, all the waiting is so difficult isn’t it. They will need to have all the before they move on to the next step and hopefully the results of the PET scan will come back quickly for you. JFYI I got my pre op assessment date before I got my surgery date. My surgery was 9 weeks after diagnosis.  

  • Hi Astra1,

    It's easy to let your mind run away and debate all possibilities. Just take each step at a time and don't think too far ahead.  It's better for the team to have as much information as possible to be able to plan your care.

    I had a PET CT in April this year, the results were back in a few days for the MDT meeting. Best wishes for your results,

    A x

  • Hi MarmiteFan59

    Thanks for that I have just worked it out I was only diagnosed 3 weeks ago, and I have already had MRI and a CT scan and hopefully soon the PET scan. It doesn't help watching the news where they are saying cancer patients are waiting longer for treatment and that the nurses might strike.Fearful

  • Hi sistermoon

    Thanks for the reply and the support. When I have my sensible head on, I understand perfectly what you are saying.Laughing

  • Hi Astra, when I watched the news with all that mentioned I rolled my eyes as I imagined some of you here getting worried about possible delays in cancer care. I had my op a year ago, not long after lockdown had ended, and treatment in April and May,  and similar things were speculated about then. I don’t doubt that there are delays in some areas, but my personal opinion is that I don’t think they’re as bad as they said nor as widespread as they suggested. I also don’t think cancer nurses will strike. 

  • Hi MarmiteFan59

    You are the voice of reasonSlight smile Half of me thought the same is this just the media scaremongering. If it is, then they should know better. We have already had our lives upended by diagnoses and that news doesn't help.

  • Bless you! Your feelings are all valid and important, but try to remember to listen to that half of you - your sensible head! You can also help yourself a lot by owning your diagnosis and driving it if you notice any possible slowness. Basically don’t be afraid to be a bloody nuisance if needs be! My CNS team very quickly learned to recognise my voice before I even said who I was! See no evil They were brilliant chasing results and appointments for me, and speeding things along.

  • Oh, I love your common-sense attitude Wink

  • Astra1, it’s a year this week since my diagnosis, and my surgery and treatment are done and dusted, yet I well remember every detail, every wait, every anxious moment. There’s a lot of pressure from outside and from inside to “have a positive outlook” but that actually brings a lot of pressure. Whilst I wanted to try and be positive, it was asking too much of myself to be positive all the time. But I realised I could be pragmatic/sensible (ie doing what needed to be done) and that’s what got me through.

  • Hi marmite,

    I agree with your outlook. While our stories are very different I don't/can't do positive all the time. I try to focus on the facts and the reality. It is what it is.

    A x