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Hi, had full hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo oophorectomy 9 weeks ago, recovered really well.

I am now due to have 3 sessions of brachytherapy and am absolutely petrified of the thought of it.

Is it painful, what are the main after effects? I just can't get direct answers from the medical side.

I am totally clear of womb cancer now so this is a preventative  measure.

Any information would be truly appreciated. 

Bloody tatws.

  • Hi Blodyn tatws, bless you and well done for getting this far in your recovery. I had my hysterectomy in Jan 2022, had 25 sessions of radio then 2 x  brachy. For me, having brachy was a breeze. The nurses were kind and gentle, and the treatment certainly wasn’t painful and felt little different from having a tampon gently inserted, left there for 6 mins with music playing, and then like having a tampon gently removed. At my hospital they do the CT planning session as a separate appointment, at other hospitals they do the planning CT and first treatment one after the other at the same appointment. No pain, no soreness after, a little warmth on peeing for a day or two, and a little bowel looseness for a day or two (but bear in mind I had my brachy treatment during my radio treatment period so that could be a factor). I’d recommend contacting your CNS and asking them to have a brachytherapy nurse phone you as then she will be able to fully explain things, answer any questions you may have, and reassure you. Mine phoned me and she was lovely. 

  • Thank you so much, that's the first time I've heard positive things about the treatment. Wow, you've really had a lot of treatment, I've been lucky, only need the three sessions of brachy, no radiotherapy needed apparently.

    I wish you all the best, and thank you again.

  • Hello

    Well done on recovering from the op  I had brachytherapy in August this year. 3 sessions in total one each week. My appointments were all given beforehand so I knew exactly what date and time for each one.

    The first appointment was the longest one and almost one hour, because the nurses had a good chat explaining what would be done and aftercare with use of dilators etc, then the fitting and measuring all need to be logged onto the system for next time etc.

    My experience was good, nurses were lovely and caring, it's a little bit undignified and through reading on here other ladies' experiences I opted to wear a skirt or dress then I didn't need to change into a hospital gown! All I needed to do is remove underwear in a curtained cubicle within the room so no one else saw me except the nurses who were both female. Then I lay on the bed and the nurses explained again what they were doing .....They did an internal examination first and then assured me everything seemed normal and healed post op. They apply gel lubrication and  fitted me with the correct snug fitting applicator, it didn't hurt but they will push it in as far as possible and when you feel some slight pressure it's in the right spot. It's a bit like a tampon! They then attached the applicator to the radiotherapy machine and left the room advising me that they will be able to see me through camera and if I need anything just to wave my hand in the air. I was advised to keep my body very still during the treatment which lasted around six minutes. They had music on and I just lay there with my eyes closed relaxing. Then nurses came in and removed applicator. They supplied wet wipes and tissues to clean yourself up, underwear back on and away I went. 

    I suffered no ill effects whatsoever, I know there may be some minor effects fir some but for me, I  waited 2 weeks after the last session to ensure my bladder and bowels were ok and normal and then booked a much needed holiday. 

    Hope this reassured you that you can do this and once it's all over and done you'll feel ok!

    By the way you can search brachytherapy on YOUTUBE and watch a video of one patient having hers, I did and I think it helped!

    Good luck and hope it goes well xx

  • Thank you so much. Everyone has been so helpful and reassuring. I know I should not be so scared, but it's the unknown isn't it.  Had loads of surgeries in my life but this is different.

    I was meant to have a face on appointment with the Oncologist last week to go through the steps of the procedure, however when I got there it was a Registrar that saw me, 10 mins of waffling on. He was going on about  Cervical cancer, which I don't have, or never had. I had Womb cancer. All he wanted was my signature on a consent form.

    I have told my Care Nurses and am now waiting for a telephone consultation with the Oncology Consultant. 

    Should explain,  my local hospital is fantastic, Bangor, N.Wales. they performed the surgery etc.

    Meeting last week was in Glan Clwyd hospital.  But will be going to Clatterbridge for the brachy. 

    Anyway, thank you again.

  • Hi Bloydn tatws

    I finished my Brachy 3 weeks ago, I had 3 sessions 1 a week. I have read Madesp post and my experience was very similar. At my NHS hospital they did things slightly different,  I was measured up by the radiography nurse at the end of my last Oncology appointment after my Chemo had finished. The just pop the different applicators in until they find one with a snug fit, she explained that they don't want any air pockets betweenthe applicator and the vault wall.

    All the nurses that I saw were so gentle, it wasn't painful just a little uncomfortable occasionally, a bit like having a smear test at the doctors. My 3 bracky sessions only took about 20 mins each in total, I wore a dress so that I just popped my pants off which saved time dressing.

    The Radiographer and nurses are aware how scary it can be so they make it as nice as possible. We are lucky here in Nottingham as our hospital have really thought about this. The room was decorated so it was less like a hospital room as possible. they dimmed the lights and put soft music on and there was a lavender defuser. I just shut my eyes and tried to relax, the staff have to leave the room but they can still see and hear you. There is a few noises as the machine starts up but they don't last long and these settle down, there is no pain or heat or anything. Before you will know it the green light goes on and the doors of the room will open and the nurses come in and detach the machine. 

    I can honestly say for me it was a walk in the park and I have had very little side effects, the first day of each cycle I had soft stools but nothing more. I too like Madesp have booked a holiday and go away soon. 

    Try not to worry, you have been through the worst already.  Before you know where you are this chapter of your life will be behind you.

    There is a Brachy thread here on the site which you might find helpful too. I will come back with a link for you.

    Hug Robin x

  • Brilliant, thanks again. X