Almost 6 weeks since surgery

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  • 84 subscribers

Hi Ladies 

I am am almost at the 6 week mark in my recovery and feeling like I have regressed this last week, 

i am having some cramping and some shooting pains the last few days in vagina area and stronger smelling urine

Stomach feels a bit touchy 

I do have my first follow up with my Surgeon next Wed the 26th

Just curious if anyone eles experienced a set back in recovery?

i have been very careful about not lifting anything heavy

i have been working in the garden and around the house as tolerated, I’m just thinking This shouldn’t be happening at this point

I appreciate any feed back

Regards, Sassyl

  • Hi

    I'm wondering if you have a urine infection?  X

  • I wondered about that as well. But the shooting pains and pressure feel like before I had the surgery, worried about cancer coming back


    called Dr. Sent me right away for urine testing 

    apparently infection is common in hysterectomy for uterine cancer , but will have to wait 2 days for results Disappointed

  • Hi Sassy

    I am just coming up to 16 weeks post surgery and I'm still getting twinges and some days are okay and others not.  I too was worried that the cancer had returned but I think it's just a common reaction after what we have all been through, although it is frustrating when we are trying to follow all the recommended advice and still get issues.

    I had an appointment with my surgeon on Thursday and mentioned that the last couple of weeks it sometimes felt that my bladder hadn't emptied properly, but he basically just blanked me (he's not the greatest communicator).  I've had urine infections before but it's not hurting me to pass urine and some days it seems okay.

    Hopefully you will have a more considerate surgeon to speak too....I've now decided to go on the patient led follow up process as I would rather have the CRN as my first port of call if I have any concerns.

    Also check you are not overdoing it....earlier today I did what I thought was some gentle raking in the garden but could really feel tightness round one of my scars.

    If you feel really worried then I would call your CRN for advice if you don't want to have to wait until Wednesday.

  • Hi Madesp!

    My Dr just email me. I do indeed have a bladder infection, she has sent in a prescription for me for antibiotics! Thanks for your input Heart

  • Hi Ejax

    well you are way ahead of me in your recovery, so I guess I have a ways to go yet, I may be expecting too much and. I did pend hours in the garden getting things ready for fall

    However my Dr did just email me that my urine test did show a bladder infection, so she has ordered an antibiotic for me. 
    I thought I would be back to normal after 6 weeks but my body hurts s having none of that I guess. I am not one to enjoy being inactive, so maybe I am over doing things and expecting too much too soon 

    I will let you know what my surgeon has to say

    sometimes I also feel my bladder is not working like IT used to

    i hope you get some better feed back than you have gotten from your Surgeon Heart

  • Glad that's it's an infection and nothing more sinister! It's only normal that we sometimes overthink ourselves into a panic! Just get well, take the meds and drink a tall glass of water every hour (while you're awake, Lol) and that should really help. Oh and try not to overdo things, little and often but don't spend all day doing chores, your body still in recovery, the internal takes much longer to recover than the external scars.

    Take care xxx

  • Hi Sassy, 

    I was told by my surgeon that UTIs can happen after a hysterectomy due to the bladder & bowle being moved around during surgery. I had my operation in April and have had UTIs and bladder and can take 6 months for things to settle down, so don't be expecting too much so soon. It takes months to start felling anywhere near back to normal after a hysterectomy.

    Take it easy and i hope you feel better soon. cranberry juice is meant to be good for UTIs I belive. 

    Hugs Robin x

    PS If you click on any of our names in green you can read our bios explaining a bit about ourselves and our experiences which might me useful, it's not compulsory to fill in but I find it helpful understanding a bit more about the person who is posting.

  • Hi SassyL53

    Glad you got to the bottom of what was causing the discomfort and hopefully the antibiotics will do their thing and you will feel more comfortable.

    I too don't like being inactive, and even now I find it frustrating that I feel limited in what I can and can't do, although to be honest I do feel that I'm not quite fully healed inside so I am still mindful of what I can lift etc.  Some days I feel like I've not even had surgery, but the next I can have twinges /discomfort etc so I think we just have to take one day at a time with our recovery.

    All the best.