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I was recently diagnosed with endometrial cancer, and I have to say, it came as a massive shock (I’m not even sure it has sunk in yet…)—although, I suppose nobody ever expects to be told that they have cancer. You could say I was very ignorant, thinking that I’m only 30 and surely too young, which is one of the top comments I’ve been receiving from people after hearing the news…

Anyhow, I digress. I’ve decided to start blogging about my experience and the things I learn along the way. I’ve heard that getting things down in writing is very therapeutic and can really help come to terms with things. It also seems like the easiest way to keep family and friends updated along the way, without having to repeat myself a hundred times. Has anybody else started a blog, and if so, have you found it helpful?

If anybody is interested in reading about my journey or would like to share their own, I would love to hear from you! My blog can be found at:

Wishing you all the best of luck with your own journeys x

  • Hi I was 30 too!! Well three months before 31 am two years on from that now. They only advice I have is don’t Google and live everyday as  if it is your last and love life because it’s to short xxxx wishing you well On your journey xx love natalie xxf

  • Thank you for the lovely message! That's great advice—I was diagnosed a month ago, MRI last week, and my appointment to find out treatment is next week, so knowing that you're two years on from when you were diagnosed gives me lots of hope Slight smile x

  • Let me know how u get on! And if u need any advice just give me a message am not on here as much as I used to be but when I am having a bad day I tend to window shop on here lol! Getting a cancer diagnosis is a massive shock but u deal with it day by day what I found is that after treatment when the appointments stop that’s the hardest part u look back and think wow did that happen to me. But u will be ok sending u love at this hard time xxxx

  • I was 34 when I was diagnosed and told a few times it won’t be cancer your too young so was a massive shock.  I agree don’t google things as you don’t know which information is right or up to date.  Wishing you well and we are all here for you. X

  • I will do! Thank you so much, I'll definitely keep that in mind. I agree, it's a massive shock and I'm not sure it'll ever sink in properly, but just going to take it one day at a time! I hope you got through that tough time following treatment and had lots of support—and so glad you like the blog xx

  • Oh gosh, how are you doing now? I agree, a massive shock, especially as everyone also kept telling me that I'll surely be fine because I'm too young. Thank you so much—did you find anything in particular that helped you get through those hardest times? x

  • FormerMember

    Hey I’m actually part of the lung cancer group but somehow came across your post and your fantastic blog. I used to blog ‘back in the days’ before Instagram and Snapchat blew up and good old blogging was the thing to do. You are an amazing writer your blogpost was so well written, I’ll definitely be following along and sending you courage, hugs and prayers of good health. I’m 29 and having a lung biopsy tomorrow for abnormal growths. 
    Good luck with your journey I’ll be reading it all x 

  • Hi You can also share your experiences here on Macmillan by writing your blog here as well. Look further up the page underneath Online Community it's the 3rd tab from the left. A great many users don't use a lot of social media (myself included before I joined Macmillan) so it'll be very useful to a lot of folk here.

    Hugs, Barb xx

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