RE: Womb cancer

  • 2 replies
  • 85 subscribers

Hello, I haven’t got any diagnosis for cancer I’m on here for help and advice for my mother-in-law. She is having a biopsy on Tuesday and I was wondering if anyone on here knew what advice I could give her? This is such a lovely site and I really hope that you stay strong though everything, I was just worried and went into research mode. I am doing health and social care at college and so research is all I have been doing for ages and ages, so I know how to research, but things like emotional support isn’t so easy to find. You are so brave and honestly, I’m terrified- I’m young and don’t want to lose one of the best people in my life, even though I’m not likely to… is there any advice I can give her? 

thank you. It means a lot of you do reply. Even if you don’t, that’s also okay, it’s nice to feel heard, again, I know this site is made for people with experiences with cancer, and I mean no insulting… I’m just— a little shook and need some support as well. I hope this is okay. 

i Hope you all have a beautiful day, smile loads. You’re amazing! Thank you again xx

  • Hello Skye, welcome to the group and it’s lovely that you’re concerned for your mother in law. I’m guessing that she’s had some symptoms, been put on a 2 week pathway and has already had some initial investigations done? Some suggestions from me re support: firstly, don’t Google. Macmillan is a super resource, full of info but without the panic inducing factor. By all means educate yourself but only from a source that will equip you not freak you out. Secondly, try and focus on the now, not on the what ifs - she needs to take things one step at a time and it will help her if you echo that. Thirdly, ask her how she’d like you to support her. For me (I was diagnosed with cancer a year ago) I didn’t want fuss and just wanted to get on with things. I didn’t even tell my adult children till I’d got the preliminary staging from my post diagnosis MRI as I didn’t want to have to deal with their reactions as well as my own. But we are all different and asking her how she’d like to be supported is likely the best thing. If you’re finding you’re worrying, I’d recommend the Macmillian support phone line which is open 8am-8pm 7 days a week and is for family as well. 

  • Hi Skye. Is she having a hysteroscopy and biopsy done? Some women can cope with that without anaesthetic but some not - and it is not a competition! So if she has this procedure without anaesthetic, and finds it hard to tolerate, she can ask the medics if it can be done under anaesthetic.  Secondly some admin tips: to ask when and how she will find out her results; to get a contact-number in case the results need to be chased or clarified for her, and to get a contact number for in case she feels unwell or has ill-effects after the biopsy. If she has any questions take a note with her otherwise she may forget to ask. Make a note of the answers too. Sometimes you just forget things while anxious and being told to get changed / sit here / fill in a form / follow me... etc etc. Wishing her good luck, I hope it all goes well for her.  LR.