I have womb cancer - but which one?

  • 26 replies
  • 85 subscribers

Hi, went to the hospital today - womb cancer as I suspected. But the nightmare just keeps going on, because they can’t decide which one, so I still don’t know much, and they think it might be a rare one -a sarcoma. The samples have been sent off to the sarcoma specialists at Bham Uni for further examination. In the meantime, they are fast tracking the biopsy from the breast lump as they don’t know which came first - breast or womb. They are getting me in for a CT scan within the next few days, to see if the cancer has spread, especially to my bones, and if it’s bad I won’t be offered a hysterectomy, but will receive other treatment. The doctors sad attitude gave me the impression I am not going to survive this. Can anyone give me some positive vibes about this please? At every step of this horrible journey, I have been told ‘oh don’t worry that’s rare’ or ‘that hardly ever happens’ and it bloody has, every time. I really need something to cheer me up, if it’s at all possible, thank you xx

  • I’m sorry to hear it didn’t go how you wanted, if you read my profile you will see how my journey had gone but I do feel a lot better about it all now.  I have a rare one Carcinosarcoma but don’t let the fact they say it’s rare scare you, if ever you need to talk feel free to message me. X

  • Hi Rach_E, thats why I love this forum, whatever you’ve got there will be someone on here who is living with it. I think that’s what they think I’ve got. Honestly I thought the doctor was going to start crying when he told me, he was really grave. Thanks for your support xx

  • Hi Julia, I feel for you having had a difficult experience at the hospital again - have you been given contact details for your CNS team? 

  • Hello MarmiteFan, yes one of the MacMillan team nurses will be phoning me tomorrow. After the suffering, waiting for the appointment I STILL don’t know, which is beyond awful. It’s all so out of my realm of normal I can’t really take it all in, so I’m trying to forget all about it and get on with everything else as there’s nothing I can do

  • I know it’s hard but try not to think about how the doctor was.  My macmillan nurses always seem more positive when I talk to them then my oncologist, even my surgery was very nice. I have been a big baby about it all and was always convinced I couldn’t be helped and always thought the worst but as time goes on you seem to be able to deal with things easier.  The only times I really get anxious is scan time, I am due a check up so anxiety is up a bit but once it’s done and if things are still stable then the anxiety goes away until the next check up. X

  • Hi Julia I was in a similar position thought I was going to have an hysterectomy but they sent me for a CT scan as they weren’t sure where it had started then the news came back I didn’t want to hear it had spread from my womb I was told I would be treatable but not curable it was hard to take in I’ve had chemo but it didn’t last long now I’m on hormone treatment tablets waiting to c if they work I’ve only been on them 4 weeks and they take 3weeks to kick in, I had to have a catheter too as it’s ilfiltrated the bladder I went into water retention had to have a catheter fitted tried trial without but it didn’t work they say when the cancer shrinks it should sort out my bladder problem I’ve been to Christie’s last week for more opinion and there’s quite a few things I could have so just taking each day as it comes and keeping positive 

    kind regards 

    Mo k 

  • Thanks Rach_E, I can understand how a check up would make you anxious.  I’m looking forward to the call from my CNS tomorrow. I spoke to a MacMillan nurse last week when I was so upset and she made me feel a lot more confident about my future. I’m trying to just get on with everything else in my life, as I still haven’t been given a definitive answer, and because of that no treatment plan because it’s all still up in the air x

  • Once you get a plan it helps, I was diagnosed in September, got my operation date for November then the date to start chemo in December.  It’s such a shock at the start, there is a lot to take in at first x

  • Oh Mo, you sound like you’ve been through such a lot. Best wishes, Julia xx

  • Hi Julia, sorry you had bad news yesterday. I'm stepping back from this conversation as my own journey seems to be going belly-up at the moment.

    Sending you lots of hugs, Barb xx

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